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About xoD4rk4ng3Lxo

  • Birthday 12/07/1983

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp_home

xoD4rk4ng3Lxo's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks alot for all ur help and suggestions am gona give this info a whirl and see what happens failing that am glad i have it insured lol Thanx again xx
  2. tried it in safe mode again the last line is multi(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\Mup.sys comp was totally fine before the crash,just this time wen it froze and i restarted it somethings gone wrong =/
  3. It just shows like its loading onto window but doesnt and after leaving it 2-3 min the comp just restarts itself
  4. ive clicked the F8 key an it brought up some more options like Debugging mode,vga mode ? I did try going on safe mode and it borught up alot of writing but stays that way and doesnt actually load onto windows :/
  5. Ive selected load optimised defaults but nothing has changed :(
  6. yeh i can get onto there,but clueless as to what things do what :(
  7. Hey i was wondering if anyone could please help me, my pc froze and when i restarted it it gave me the options of logging into safe mode or going back to a point where my pc last worked fine etc.. whichever option i choose it starts to load up windows but just keeps on loading without going on :confused: i havent had "the blue screen of death" am clueless as to what the problem is :( any imformation would be very welcomed thanx:D
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