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  1. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Microsoft wares can help you muzzle the gas guzzle InfoWorld, CA - 9 hours ago To get this working you need a computer with Windows XP or Windows Vista, and Remote Assistance must be enabled in the System properties (which it usually ... Microsoft Sends Up Trial Balloons for Windows 7 PC World Welcome to the Blog and What Are Those find.pcworld.com URLs Washington Post all 77 news articles More...
  2. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Making the Bill Gates myth grow Computerworld, MA - 2 hours ago Do you think multi-billion train-wrecks like Vista happen overnight? It takes years of brain-dead middle-management, an over-grown used car salesman and ... More...
  3. <img src=http://news.google.com/news?imgefp=F1k3oATwBYYJ&imgurl=www.dbtechno.com/images/Windows_7_developers.jpg width=80 height=58 alt="" border=1> dBTechno <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Windows 7 details to be released Tehran Times, Iran - 19 hours ago Based on Vista, Windows 7 is expected to be released in January 2010. The announcement about the unveiling was made on a new Windows 7 blog written by ... Windows 7 Means Windows Server 2008 R2, Microsoft Reveals IT Jungle Microsoft may have 2000 developers working on Windows 7 Computerworld Microsoft Has Over 2000 Developers Working On Windows 7 dBTechno Tom's Guide - ZDNet all 22 news articles More...
  4. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Why do you want WinFS? ZDNet - 27 minutes ago (His blog is a must-read if you’re even slightly interested in the Windows Vista audio stack.) Every time I hear someone pining for the return of WinFS, ... More...
  5. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Microsoft wares can help you muzzle the gas guzzle InfoWorld, CA - 4 hours ago To get this working you need a computer with Windows XP or Windows Vista, and Remote Assistance must be enabled in the System properties (which it usually ... Windows Server Version saga continues CIO Weblog all 2 news articles More...
  6. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Windows Server Version saga continues CIO Weblog, CA - 21 minutes ago Also provided was a link to Windows Server team group product manager Ward Ralston's Technet blog, which provides much the same information. ... More...
  7. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Windows 7 Means Windows Server 2008 R2, Microsoft Reveals IT Jungle, NY - 6 hours ago There hasn't been a lot of solid news about Windows 7, aside from Microsoft's focus on backwards compatibility, which is a sore point for Windows Vista. ... More...
  8. <img src=http://news.google.com/news?imgefp=qGWqCqyOs9IJ&imgurl=images.bit-tech.net/news_images/2008/08/windows-7-a-minor-release/article_img.jpg width=80 height=67 alt="" border=1> bit-tech.net <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Windows 7 a "minor release" bit-tech.net, UK - Aug 19, 2008 If you've been looking forward to the up-and-coming release of Windows 7 – and have been viewing Vista as the Windows ME of its generation – you might want ... More...
  9. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Microsoft wares can help you muzzle the gas guzzle InfoWorld, CA - 32 minutes ago To get this working you need a computer with Windows XP or Windows Vista, and Remote Assistance must be enabled in the System properties (which it usually ... More...
  10. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Windows 7 Blog Bad News for Vista Redmond Channel Partner, CA - 32 minutes ago Microsoft would really love for you to buy Vista and all...but, hey, if you're really into Windows, the next version has its own blog. ... More...
  11. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Does the operating system matter anymore? Hydrapinion, Australia - 2 hours ago By Anthony CARUANA OK - so this isn't strictly a "mobility" topic (and Carry is meant to be a blog about mobility) but it is a topic where the mobile tech ... More...
  12. It’s been just over five months since the MIX08 conference and IE8 Beta 1. One of the things I remain committed to is the furthering of web standards through a comprehensive test suite for each standard. This is necessary to eliminate ambiguities or differences that cause implementation differences between user agents (aka browsers). Those differences create frustration for web developers who are just trying to build web sites that interoperate. The IE team has been actively working on Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2. In parallel with the CSS 2.1 implementation in the upcoming beta, the IE Test team has been developing test cases against the CSS 2.1 specification. Today we’re happy to announce that we’ve submitted an additional 2524 more test cases to the W3C for inclusion into the CSS 2.1 test suite. This brings the test suite much closer to the necessary breadth needed to ensure that web sites will interoperate. These tests are available on the IE Development Forum until they are fully reviewed by the working group and accepted into the official test suite. I also want to thank everyone that provided great feedback on the tests we submitted back in March 2008. Based on the feedback on the W3C’s CSS 2.1 Working Group’s mailing list and my March IE Blog post on the subject, we made corrections and design changes to 28 of the 702 test cases we submitted in March. We also deleted 5 cases that became redundant through the other 28 changes. These updated tests are also available on the IE Development Forum until the W3C integrates them. It is this collaboration with the web development community and the W3C that will really make these web standards more reliable and able to create a more predictable web development experience. This brings Microsoft’s contribution in this suite to 3221 test cases and the entire W3C CSS 2.1 test suite to 3708 test cases. We, the IE team, will continue to work closely with the CSS working group on these tests and listen to any feedback you provide. In addition to the CSS 2.1 standard, IE8 is supporting the new Accessibility Rich Internet Applications (WAI - ARIA) draft standard in development by the W3C. It provides a way to create web sites that are accessible to people that need Assistive Technologies to help them live and work. We’re using some of the existing test suite to validate our implementation. We also just submitted our first tests to the working group for inclusion into the test suite. They are also available for download on the IE Development Forum until they get included into the W3C test suite. As with the CSS suite, we will continue to work closely with the WAI – ARIA group. Thanks, Jason Upton Test Manager Internet Explorer http://blogs.msdn.com/aggbug.aspx?PostID=8880037 More...
  13. <img src=http://news.google.com/news?imgefp=5WodasapDNYJ&imgurl=media.arstechnica.com/journals/microsoft.media/windows_7.jpg width=80 height=38 alt="" border=1> Ars Technica <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Microsoft Sends Up Trial Balloons for Windows 7 PC World - 1 hour ago It's enough to make one wonder how Windows 7 will avoid the implementation failures and missed deadlines that plagued Vista's launch. The engineering blog ... Microsoft may have 2000 developers working on Windows 7 Computerworld My Windows 7 wish list ZDNet 2500 Windows 7 employees broken up into 25 feature teams Ars Technica NewsChannel 9 WSYR - ARNnet all 14 news articles More...
  14. <img src=http://news.google.com/news?imgefp=5WodasapDNYJ&imgurl=media.arstechnica.com/journals/microsoft.media/windows_7.jpg width=80 height=38 alt="" border=1> Ars Technica <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Microsoft Sends Up Trial Balloons for Windows 7 PC World - 43 minutes ago It's enough to make one wonder how Windows 7 will avoid the implementation failures and missed deadlines that plagued Vista's launch. The engineering blog ... Windows 7 details to be released Tehran Times Microsoft may have 2000 developers working on Windows 7 Computerworld Microsoft To Unveil Windows 7 Features Next Month Tom's Guide ZDNet - Ars Technica all 16 news articles More...
  15. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Microsoft Sends Up Trial Balloons for Windows 7 PC World - 12 minutes ago It's enough to make one wonder how Windows 7 will avoid the implementation failures and missed deadlines that plagued Vista's launch. The engineering blog ... More...
  16. You'll need Windows Vista, but it is actually possible to sync Windows Live Contacts with the iPhone. Here's how you do it! More...
  17. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Michael Arrington has some bad luck with his Macs, thinks it means ... MacDailyNews - 6 hours ago ... and anything else involving luck and/or risk because if what you write is actually true, your luck sucks worse than Windows Vista and the Zune combined. ... More...
  18. <img src=http://news.google.com/news?imgefp=5WodasapDNYJ&imgurl=media.arstechnica.com/journals/microsoft.media/windows_7.jpg width=80 height=38 alt="" border=1> Ars Technica <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Windows 7 details to be released Tehran Times, Iran - 42 minutes ago Based on Vista, Windows 7 is expected to be released in January 2010. The announcement about the unveiling was made on a new Windows 7 blog written by ... Microsoft may have 2000 developers working on Windows 7 Computerworld Microsoft To Unveil Windows 7 Features Next Month Tom's Guide My Windows 7 wish list ZDNet Ars Technica - NewsChannel 9 WSYR all 10 news articles More...
  19. Microsoft gives Windows Vista administrators a tool to administer Vista PCs remotely. This tool is called Microsoft Remote Server Administration Tool (KB941314). It is described as follows: <blockquote> Microsoft Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) enables IT administrators to remotely manage roles and features in Windows Server 2008 from a computer running Windows Vista with SP1. It includes support [...] More...
  20. In the third installment of my ongoing look at the development of Windows 7, Shipping Seven, I examine Microsoft's recent communications about the next Windows! More...
  21. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Users to Microsoft: 'Just make Windows faster' BetaNews - 20 minutes ago As one blog reader TimOR commented in response to Sinofsky last Thursday, "Vista really is a dog compared to XP performance-wise and compatibility-wise. ... More...
  22. <img src=http://news.google.com/news?imgefp=qGWqCqyOs9IJ&imgurl=images.bit-tech.net/news_images/2008/08/windows-7-a-minor-release/article_img.jpg width=80 height=67 alt="" border=1> bit-tech.net <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Microsoft dashes hopes for 'major' Windows server upgrade Register, UK - 1 hour ago According to Ralston, the client will be a major release: "But, as we've said before, compatibility with previous versions of Windows Vista and Windows ... Windows 7 a "minor release" bit-tech.net Business continuity briefs: Continuity Central (press release) all 3 news articles More...
  23. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Microsoft may have 2000 developers working on Windows 7 Computerworld, MA - 40 minutes ago "We create feature teams with n developers, n testers, and 1/2n program managers," Sinofsky wrote in a four-page blog that introduced his views on managing ... More...
  24. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Microsoft dashes hopes for 'major' Windows server upgrade Register, UK - 34 minutes ago According to Ralston, the client will be a major release: "But, as we've said before, compatibility with previous versions of Windows Vista and Windows ... More...
  25. <img src=http://news.google.com/news?imgefp=zQWEJ-RCoH4J&imgurl=blogs.computerworld.com/sites/default/themes/cw_blogs/cache/files/xp_vista.jpg width=80 height=54 alt="" border=1> Computerworld <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> A third of Vista PCs downgraded to XP Register, UK - 3 hours ago The company’s Windows’ boss Steven Sinofsky has even started up a new blog ("honestly, I penned it," he proclaims) about the next operating system to ram ... Study: Over 35% of Vista PCs Downgraded to XP eFluxMedia Research: A third of new PCs being downgraded to XP InfoWorld One Third Business PCs Downgrade to XP Digitaltrends.com all 24 news articles More...
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