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Everything posted by TomTom

  1. Done all of the above plus uninstall Avast and AVG8 and still no luck. Any other ideas? I'm really stuck.
  2. I've been having a problem recently with my antivirus software. I have AVG and Avast and recently they have shown up as out of date and i keep updating them but they still say out of date. here are some print screens that may help http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/4218/antivirushc2.jpg http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/5053/antivirus2dz5.jpg http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/5461/antivirus3tl0.jpg Can anyone help me? Thanks
  3. Hi, when i go on some websites mainly facebook.com and others, they are in dummies term "very basic". For example, when i go on facebook.com, all the buttons are there but it is a very basic page, no colour, just grey lettering and a white background. Does anyone know what it is? It is like this on some sites but not for others. Thanks:)
  4. Hi there, i have made a video on Windows Movie Maker which is a compilation video of clips from youtube with a song in the background. I have finished the video and it is 17 mins long but when i try and export it from WMM to my computer to enable me to put it on youtube i get this message. "Windows Movie Maker cannot save the movie to the specified location. Verify that the original source files used in your movie are still available, that the saving location is still available, and that there is enough free disk space available, and then try again" i have made sure all of the above is correct but it is still not saving to my computer which is doing my head in as i've spent alot of time on this video. Does anyone have any ideas what it might be? Thanks alot! :)
  5. Hi, i am looking to set up a wireless network in my house and was wondering if you could help me with the best one to get. I have broadband from Virgin Media (NTL) and have had Belkin before (in my old house) and it was terrible, the connection was always cutting off and on but i have been told that Belkin is the only one compatable with Virgin Media (NTL) is this true and if not, can anyon recommend a decent one. Thanks
  6. Due to the great help i got earlier i was wondering if i could have some advice. For years i have been hit with viruses and have had to replace a few computers and lost alot of work in the process. At the moment i have AVG Free Edition and was wondering if that would be enougth to keep my PC from all viruses ect
  7. YES! THANK YOU SETH, TOP GUY! What a top webiste this is, will be passing it on to anyone who needs it. Much love from Manchester, England!! :D Thanks again!!
  8. Where would i find that information?
  9. I have found the unzipped files and there is alot of them. Having a guess i clicked the "InstallShield ® Setup Launcher" and it was going ok until it got to 80% when it came up as "Tool for Driver Device error" and then it came up as "Maintainence is now complete, please restart your computer" is this not the right setup?
  10. Done that, but the small box still apears, have the files been moved to somewhere on my computer where i could access it?
  11. Thanks Seth, i did that and that came to no avail. I have downloaded "SW DRV AUDIO RealTek AC97 V5190 for PM iSel VL5" from that site and it has come up with a small box with WinZip self extracter with the navigation buttons "UnZip" "RunwithUnZip" "Close" "About" and "Help" any ideas what to do as i haven't a clue :D Thanks Seth
  12. Hi, up until a month ago i could get sound from my computer, then my speakers got thrown away by accident as they were very old. I recieved a pair of speakers (Dell Model A225) which has a green wire and a USB plug. These do not work and i have tried umpteen times to find a driver from them on the net to no avail. Now i find out that i have no sound audio advice on my computer and i have tried to troubleshoot on the net but again it has come to no avail. So i was wondering whether anyone could help me out? My PC is made by NEC Computers, The system is POWERMATE VL5, I am on Windows XP Home Edition version 5.1 if anyone would like any more info the i could get it to you but i am not that well clued up on the techincal side of computers. Many Thanks p.s having read through a few of the posts on this forum and seeing the replies, i cannot do a system restore as i have no dates to go back to.
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