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About jwilts

  • Birthday 09/11/1953

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_vista_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I stopped trying because it kept crashing my new computer....I was surprised it kept the 3/4 that was moved over....It would not complete the process using the easy transfer, so I gave up,,,,,(plus I don't like seeing the blue screen) I probably tried more like 5 times....I thought that was enough times crashing the computer...so I switched and grabbed the other files with the hard drive.... I'm gone till tomorrow afternoon, if you need more explanation, I'll look tomorrow night and finish.. but I've pretty much told everything....except I also tried using a networking device here....and that never worked....so I switched to easy transfer cable....maybe it was the networking thing that did it.... thanks for all your help so far, Jan
  2. I'll check out the link..... My new computer came with windows vista, my old one had xp.....when I tried to use the easy transfer, it kept giving me the blue screen of death on my new computer and shut down.....I tried it several times, and was able to get about 3/4 of the stuff transfered.....I finally gave up and did the rest with an external hard drive.... now my new computer won't let me change the setting to update windows automatically. So if I try either manually or (changing to automatic updates) I can't do it.....no administrative privileges.... I have vista service pack 1...so there may not be new updates...but usually it lets you try and then tells you there are no updates......but I can't get there..... hope this explains it better... Jan
  3. I just tried it and it did the same thing.....never knew about that run as administrator...so at least I know that now... Jan
  4. Yes, I may not need to update, but it won't even let me.....I may have done something to administrator rights when I used the transfer cord from my XP computer to this one.... Jan
  5. won't allow administrative privilages in Vista No, It's on my new computer that has Vista.... Jan
  6. I read about administrator problems, so I became an administrator. I have 3 user id's myself as administrator myself with standard and guest No matter how I sign on I am not able to upgrade windows vista, it says I have no administrative authority.... I can install other things and when it asks if I want to continue installing, I say yes and it installs other software just fine. So I do have administrative privileges for some things....(I think) Any ideas?? Jan
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