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About Galadriel

  • Birthday 10/01/1950

Tech Info

  • System: windows_xp

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Bios password mystery Well, I've quizzed my Hub & my daughter and both are adamant they've not used my pc today at all. I believe them purely because they aren't interested in computers and use them only in desperation, they usually ask me to do anything computerish! But that doesn't solve the mystery. I guess we'll never know - maybe I sleepwalk.... I guess we can't solve how it happened but is there a way to fix it? Would the place that built my pc for me know d'you think? Thanx Danzil - I understand. Seth - I can't access anything without the password and I really don't know what that is. Such a pain! Wolfeymole - do you think my hard-drive contents will still be intact? Is there any way of getting my stuff off it onto another pc? I have (fortunately) just backed it up onto my online package but there were a couple of things I just did last night which aren't backed up. The majority of my photos & music are, thankfully, on an external drive but a few recent vids of my baby granddaughter hadn't yet been transferred and my daughter will have my kidneys for conkers if I've lost them! Galadriel x
  2. Black/bios screen Thanx Wolfiemole (?) good of you to answer so quickly! No-one has messed with it, apprently, I was the last to use it last night and it was fine. Just booted up this am and got the white screen, then the plain black screen then a grey bios screen with the password box. Someone has suggested a knackered motherboard - what do you think? I really can't think how it's happened all by itself. Just got the plain black screen again. Galadriel x
  3. I switched on my pc this am as usual and when I came back the screen was white with lots of wrtiting ( a bit like safe mode but in white) and a box asking for a password. I don't have any passwords that I know of on my pc but I typed in the one it was most likely to be which is also the name of my pc, but it obviously wasn't right. I switched it back off as I was pressed for time and now I've come back to it it's a plain black screen. I cant ermember anything that was written on the white screen - I didn't realise I had to commit it to memory! - but there was something about bios on there. Is there any way I can fix this without searching for a reliable PC doctor? I suer hope you can help as I'm getting jittery from pc withdrawal! Galadriel x ps Just re-booted and now got grey screen 'AWARD BIOS Setup Utility' wanting a password.
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