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About mirend

  • Birthday 09/26/1968

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Re: NLB Mgr question Have you tried putting them all in the same switch or same hub? That is typically a good way to troubleshoot it. Take the complexity out and make it as simple as possible. Once they're all in the same hub/switch, try again. If it works, then it's an issue with how your switches are configured. Are the three that can't be reached on the same switch?
  2. Re: NLB Mgr question Are those nodes already in the cluster or are you trying to add them? Do they have dedicated IPs? What type of switch are they plugged into (Layer 2 or 3)? Do you have NIC teaming enabled on the servers? I recommend running "wlbs display" on the servers and post the output here. That will show if the servers are converged or not. That would be the first step and we can go from there.
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