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About robcmar

  • Birthday 09/09/1952

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_vista_home_2

robcmar's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I'd missed a couple of files, named something like eul.exe and eulauncher. Now deleted and the box has gone, thanks for all the help.
  2. Have uninstalled google earth and not re-nstalled it and have unchecked google policy client and google updater service in msconfig and still got the bloody thing staring at me !
  3. Will do tonight, thanks.
  4. Google toolbar and earth.
  5. I've got the same problem/laptop (but without the DVD fault). Any ideas how to get rid of the google end user dailogue box ? tried restore and task manager (it doesn't show in that) but to no avail. Have now moved it to the bottom of the screen, it's not a problem but so annoying lurking there all the time.
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