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About cathyrees

  • Birthday 02/04/1985

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_vista_home_2

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I'm trying to extract something in winace. The first file is .rar and the rest are .r00, r01 r02 etc how do I extract these. I tried changing the extension all to .rar but it asked for the .r00... files. now i've changed it back it's not asking anymore... HELP
  2. Comodo gave me an error message that COmodo Firewall Pro is not compatable with my operating system. I'm runing Vista Home
  3. Busy installing Avast and Comodo Thanks for that. I'm in the regular habit of running scans daily. I'm paranoid (yet still I get Virus grrr)
  4. Well the ESET scan seems to have frozen on the last file. But it didn't find and threats :D Think the Malwarebytes cleared it up, because I haven't gotten the message since I ran that scan. THANK YOU BOTH :D :D :D
  5. Thanks. And about NOD32. I am a student, and have no credit card. Can therefore not pay for any of it online. The only antivirus I can find at stores is Norton, which I'm not too impressed with... Naturally. Is there nothing avalable for free (at the risc of sounding cheap...)
  6. SUPERAntiSpyware found about 60 infections!!! And I've been compulsively running AVG and Norton and they found NOTHING!!! Malwarebytes has already found 11!!! I restored my entire system yesterday (with windows installation and repain disc)!!! Question.. What must I do with the files in Quarantine? Delete or leave them there?
  7. lol I looked there before even posting this thread. I'm looking for one program that does everything... I don't want to be running lots of different programs with different types of protection..
  8. Thanks. I'm busy downloading those programs. RE: Why I used 2 anti virus, AVG didn't work, so I installed Norton hoping it would help, I deactivated AVG while Norton was running but now I've reactivated AVG and uninstalled Norton. I use AVG free to protect my PC from Virus, and allow windows defender to do the rest. The security centre says I'm fully protected. Im I? I don't like using all different programs, is there one Freeware program that does it all??
  9. I keep getting warning messages for "trojan-spy.win32 green screen" I know this is a rogue virus and is not a trojan, but i cant get rid of it :( I've scanned with Norton360 and AVG and it's not coming up as often now, but it still comes up. how can I permanently delete this from my system
  10. seriously? So there's nothing I can do to fi it?? That sucks!!!!:(
  11. It's slightly scratched, but nothing fatal, I've played much worse. It seems to work in every drive / player but mine
  12. I hired it from a dvd store. I've had the problem with copied discs before, but never with an original
  13. ok this might be a stupid question. It's a laptop, so must I go to the laptop manifactuer's site (fujitsu siemens, amilo)? It's universal, not sony
  14. I watch lots of DVDs on my Computer. But I got one yesterday (it's Billy Connolly - Was it Something I said, if that's important) and the computer's not even recognising that there's a disc in the drive. I've even tried in My Computer, but there's nothing. It's not my drive, and I've tested other dvds and they all worked, and it's not the disc, as I've tried it in a friends computer and it registered there. What's the problem??
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