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Everything posted by chrisk61

  1. hey thetylerhayes on my CPU percentage it was between 8/13% i noticed though when i maximized the internet explorer window it shot up to around 80%
  2. oh no, it didnt install vista business. the advisor suggested Business i installed premium. I took off the vista sidebar, seems to have got faster the PC but not to what it should be I think. switching the RAM slots didnt change anything
  3. appreciate the replys. i did run vista advisor a while back in it came up with vista business :S il try the RAM stick switcharoo!
  4. thanks for the response, il try to answer everything you guys said in one post My Computer is a Packard Bell iMedia 1601 (i think that was it) iv added a new grahpics card (Radeon X1650) and a 1GB RAM stick. and a 160GB Hardrive Now Iv had the computer for about 4 or 5 years. Iv started to have a lot of problems on the PC, One was i hadnt been downloading the correct driver for my graphics card. When i bought the graphics card i had the original hard drive and i had XP. I bought vista and the disc that came with the graphics card didnt seem to work on vista, just kept freezing, so i eventualyl managed to download the correct driver. I had problems since, bought a new hard drive, but that wasnt really the start of my problems. I added a new case fan to the pc and every so often the fan would sound to cut out and then the screen would go black as if the screen has just been switched off but it obviously crashed. now i am looking to buy a new computer as im now older and would look after it better. But i dont really want to shell out round £400+ at one go for the pc. i also dont wanna pay monthly for it coz i pay monthly for a phone and a car. So i was thinking about building my own computer so i could realistically buy it monthly without all the interested but im wary about problems with hardware. A year ago i became "addicted" to reformatting, if i had a virus i couldnt get rid of id reformat, or an error, reformat! i had a true problem a week ago, i cant remember the ins and outs but like i said iv had a lot of problems with this computer and i kinda just need a fix until i can build or buy my new one. I have a feeling that the motherboard may be the problem coz when i tried to install windows (tried on a few hard drives) the same problems occured. As for the vista disc, i had a genuine purchased copy, it got scratched, a lot and then that wouldnt work. i took it to Game to see if they do the disc cleaning on the disc (were they burn it to remove scratches) but it just made the disc worse. I ordered a new copy (because i had a genuine copy they replaced it) but with 5 different discs as well as a service pack 1 update. When i put the newly installed vista on, when i had the problems i couldnt install service pack 1 but them problems have seemed to go so i may try to install that. The fan in the case DOESNT now go on and off, i took a lot of things out my computer, cleaned it and replaced it all but now like the problem is, its just going really really slow. Another thing, i dont think it needs the disc defrag because its a newly installed copy, but im not an expert
  5. Firstly Im sorry if this is the wrong section to post this but i wasnt sure what the problem is with my computer so I thought this will be the best section. I recently had a few errors on my computer which caused me to reformat. I eventually managed to do this, the PC crashed and restarted several times before I eventually managed to install Windows Vista. But i finally managed to get it installed. I tried to download the Vista Updates but they wasnt downloading for some reason and the same problems kept occuring (a blue screen saying an erorr withs ome txt but restarts the PC before I can read it) I eventually managed to download all the important updates and this stopped the errors. i downlaoded a few things such as my graphics driver software, AVG anti virus and iTunes. The AVG was downloaded last and once i restarted my computer just became EXTREMELY SLOW. I uninstalled the AVG because it became slow after this was installed but the problem still occurs. I Have an oldish processor think its an AMD Athlon 3000+ and 1.5gb of RAM but it shouldnt be running THIS SLOW! Any help will be greatly appreciated, it feels like theres only 500MB of RAM or something but it says it has 1.5gb. Please help anyone thanks chris
  6. I would like so advice on this subject if anyone has any to give... I was looking to buy off this website... Scan.co.uk: Computer Hardware - All i started looking at CPU's and i DONT want AMD! I was looking at... Intel Quad Q6600 - £152 Inter Core 2 Duo E8400 - £135 the duo would do me but am i may as well gettin the quad for like 17 quid more?? also what motherboard shale i get? i dont know which to look for
  7. i mean Computer Components, Network Accessories, PC Peripherals & Electronic Gadgets Online UK my step dad delivers their and gets money off!
  8. Hey, I'm just wondering if anyone can help me. I need a new computer but i cant afford to pay it all at once because im paying for a holiday. So i thought that a good idea would be paying monthly, or building my own. I dont really want to pay monthly as you always pay about 3 times more than the PC is actually worth. I need my PC to be reliable. I dont want it to freeze all the time, for instance i have a lot of music on my iTunes and currently it can take a while to open, especially whilst doing another thing. I recently had problems with a computer i bought, i added my own graphics card and had problems, i dont think if theres a problem with the graphics card or theres a hardware clas or something but thats what i want to avoid when building this computer. I have a decent amount of knowledge with computer, Im not a guru or anything but please anyone who sends a response, bare with me with the computer terminology. So yea, i want my computer to be quite quick, doesnt have to be the worlds fastest computer, but i want it to be able to do a few/several things at once. I want a good enough graphics card ot play games like Company of Heroes, C&C, Flight Simulator etc, but it doesnt have to be an ultimate gamers PC. Just want two or three games. So yea, any ideas on which components to purchase? like i said, im afraid of clashes of hardware etc. I posted on here a while ago and i got a lot of response with links from american sites. Im from the UK and dont really want to be pay for things to be shipped over to me. I dont mind delivery from inside the UK though. These are two websites which i think is good for this project... PC World UK Computer Superstore - Buy cheap computers, laptops, desktop PCs, printers, LCD TVs, sat nav, digital cameras and more.. pryamid.com Thanks for any help Chris
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