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About blulite

  • Birthday 06/23/1982

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    peret pan

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp_media

blulite's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. just a quick bit of advice,lol, the next time you want to clean the guts of your pc. especially the cpu, nip down to your local pc shop and buy an air duster. an air duster is a can of compressed air that squirts air into all the nooks and crannies. thus blowing away all the nasty crap. :D
  2. @ gavinhodges, you cant uninstall IE from vista its not allowed. however there is a little fast fix for the problem called firefox. just install firefox and set it as your default browsre.
  3. try pressing the power button... dont hold it just press it..... this works on my acer 3690 with vista installed... may work may not. either way you loose nothing and it could be the quick fix your looking for. :D
  4. hi guys i have a huge problem with my desktop pc. i recently changed ISP and now my lan wont work :(. i uninstalled ths bthomehub v2.0 software and removed it from my network. i then proceeded, to replace it with a netgear wireless router the WGT624 v3. however now i cannot connect to the internet. not only can i not connect to the internet but my dhcp client in vista seems to have stopped working. i cannot set up a new connection and i cannot set my netwrok discovery options. ive tried and tried and tried but cant find anythign to fix it. i did think to use system restore but diddnt have an early enough date. i just cant figure it out. my lan device is working and so is the cable. there is something very very wrong within winblows ****sta . please can anyone help. the wife wont stop bugging me.
  5. especially if your running on vista!!!!!!! or should i say ****sta lol
  6. lol ok i will post my findings tomorrow.
  7. eerrrm NO it wouldn't you can download the iso at the link TT provided????????? why would you need to make one? have you tried the link? i got the iso and the .exe versions from there oops sorry if i came accross a bit ****tish lol
  8. thanks TT i will try that tomorrow and let you know how i get on.
  9. ok ive tried that the drive is there but it is said to be unknown/unreadable and when i right click it only allows me to goto properties or help any ideas??? it surely cant be a broken hdd. the sky hd box was like 2 months old and as i say it was fine untill the format failed. what could have gone wrong? do you think data recovery software might do the trick? is there a hard drive recovery software you could recomend trying.
  10. hi guys i am having a major problem with one of my hdd's it is a 300gb maxtor satas hdd that i removed from a sky hd box. i added it to my machine and it was registered by the pc. i obv wanted rid of the sky software so i set it away to format. i left it to run and i went to work. when i got home i discovered an error message saying the format could not be completed. when i rebooted my pc the boot screen took ages to load ant then it told me that primary master 4 had an error. which is the new drive. i booted into vist anyway and now the drive ios not detected. i have tried acronis disk directoe to try and defect the drive and format it but it still not registered in the machine. as a result of this i dug out my active killdisk cd and created a usb killdisk. i booted from the usb and killdisk again isnt abel to detect the drive. how can this be, it registers at boot because it tells me of the error. can someone please help me i anm at my wits end trying to solve the problem. i need to format the drive and or rid it of errors.
  11. i have been trying or almost 2 days now to remove some ivalid entries on my add/remove list. i have tried removing them via the registry and by using various softwares. however it seems to be impossible to remove them. also i have tried reinstalling the programs and i still get nothing removed upon uninstallation. does some one have any suggestions. i would prefer to keep my current install of windows so please dont just say REINSTALL. it is so stupid just reinstalling. you never learn anything that way. i know there is a way. there always is.
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