Network - status
Hi Danzil and all,
I clicked through to 'wireless zero configuration' and found it already in 'started' mode. I rechecked properties and the 'use windows to configure' was ticked. Thus the 'status' remains greyed out.
If it helps I have noticed that when I right click the wireless icon and click the properties of my preferred network, the SSID is greyed out and, in addition the settings in Network Authentication(WPA-PSK) and Data Encryption(AES) had changed back to 'Open' and 'WEP'. I altered these back to WPA-PSK and AES but when I clicked 'View Wireless Networks' a dialog box appeared saying, 'You have made changes to the properties of this connection. If you proceed your changes will be lost.'
I think this is where part of the problem is, because, as I see it, no way can I make a wireless connection at all until the Authentication and Encryption match the Router and the other two computers.
I have just also noticed that when I clicked the 'Authentication' at the top of the properties box the IEEE 802.1x, which I had disabled, had in fact been ticked back to enabled.
I have tried again to change the settings but when I went back to the Properties Dialog box the settings had changed back as above.
This is a bit longwinded but I hope it may shed some light. I await unbowed, not annoyed but supremely interested.
Regards, David