Please help, I have an emachines 420 running xp. Ive had it almost five years and never had a problem before. Three days ago whilst I was online, it began to flash and then cut out. When i finally got it to start again, it either came up with windows starting up then freezing when it reached my desktop, or with a black screen with following message:
Phoenix BIOS 4.0 Release 6.0 Copyright 1985-2001 Phoenix Technologies Ltd All Rights Reserved Version 1.01
CPU:Intel ® Celeron ® CPU 5.20GHz
254m system RAM passed
128k cache SRAM passed
System BIOS shadowed
Video BIOS shadowed
Fixed disk 0 ; Maxtor 4R080L0
0271 - Check date and time settings.
0251 - System CMOS checksum bad - default configuration used
Press <DEL> to setup, <F1> To resume.
I cannot select either option due to keyboard and mouse having frozen up.
When it starts up with this, it makes 2 short beeps, but when it starts up with windows it makes no beeps.
The clock had changed for first time ever, so I replaced battery.
I dont really want to lose my photographs, as cant replace some, but I have tried to repair and also to restore with cds provided, but i cant pick options due to keyboard/mouse freeze.
I took connector out of hard drive and PC said 'System not found' when i started it up again.
The pc isnt turning off completely, fan stays on as does a small light on the front, also cd and/or dvd sometimes seem to work.
I cant F8 or F12 as neither work.
Do I need to get help with this or can I fix this myself? as due to age of pc, may as well replace as have huge bill.
Many many thanks