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Everything posted by Martman46

  1. Sorry about the 1st link I was just suggesting a parallel install to get to his old installation files. I didn't realise the was a need to register.
  2. I have two things that may help but both have risks. No1 How to troubleshoot Windows XP startup problems, Part 2 Look a option N0 4 No 2 How to perform an in-place upgrade (reinstallation) of Windows XP But this would be the last resort before a clean install of your OS
  3. Just one question Dalo would you need a bios update for this to work now. When previously this might or might not work with 2 different card Manufacturers or is the improvement made through the Graphics drivers.
  4. Hi ssnewton I have always understood that for sli to work both cards have to be identical. You cant sli, unless you have an nvidia sli supported motherboard. The video cards have to be the same model Example: 2 nvidia geforce 8800GTS cards, 2 nvidia geforce 7600GT cards. The same brand is recommended, using an MSI 8800GTS with an EVGA 8800GTS may work, but its not guranteed
  5. If you are not using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Internet directory services, remove the LDAP address book. To do this, follow these steps: 1.Start Outlook. 2.On the Tools menu, clickAccount Settings. 3.On the Address Books tab, click the LDAP address book that you want to remove, and then click Remove. 4.Click Close. 5.Exit and restart Outlook.
  6. Did a quick search and found this from someone with your sisters problem it might be worth a try I got access to Orange email download using Thunderbird rather than MS Outlook. Set up a new email account as follows- Select Server settings to enter details and outgoing server to enter smtp details Username: yourname.orangehome.co.uk Note: don't add the @fs at the end Incoming server: pop.orangehome.co.uk Outgoing server: smtp.orangehome.co.uk Password: same as when you log onto Orange netmail For some odd reason this doesn't seem to work with Outlook - but it should!! Thunderbird's a nice email system - I'm jacking in MS Outlook. Best of luck.
  7. This is without doubt the best comprehensive System Information Utility I have ever seen. SIW | Download If you wish to know something about your system and this dos'nt provide the information then it probably dos'nt exist.
  8. Hi mikeywikey Can you post the error's. Without the details we can't get to the bottom of the problem
  9. The major companies don't help on Sunday I recieved a obvious phishing attempt to obtain my account details so I e-mailed the details to Sky and offer to forward the e-mail was not even given the courtsey of a reply
  10. I agree with your comments about it not being a war but tyranny. I did not intend to suggest that anything these fanatics did was honourable. They are cowards of the worst kind.
  11. I'm glad to see your friend safe Goku. I find hard to comprehend how anyone can kill so indiscriminatelyin pursuit of their beliefs. It will never provide the answer and only succeeds in creating more hatred. It was Churchill who said "Jaw Jaw is better than War War", and sooner or later talking and reaching aggreement is the only answer. How many more good innocent lives must be scarificed before these fanactics realise their atrocities will not provide the answer.
  12. I never thought they could, but really hoped they would and finally they did, Vote Obama to be President of the USA. Well done America you've help re-new my faith (ever so slightly) in democracy. But now the big job starts. You picked him and now you've got to back him. But let's not get gloomy to soon. I congratulate all the American people who stood in line for hours to create this historic vote WELL DONE TO YOU ALL.
  13. I Agree with Plastic Nev and the Sentiments of the song are so true. Such a small request of us for such a huge sacrifice
  14. It will always be a big worry who the Americans elect. After all they elected GWB not once but twice and look were that's got us all.
  15. Hi Baracador First click on My Computer. Then select tools and got to the Folder Options Menu. In this window select the View tab and go down to Hidden Folders option and select view hidden files and folders. Click apply and ok and close the window. Now click start then select Search. In search the select the all files and folders option, in the all or part of the file name opion type (Outlook Express) without the brackets. Now select the Look In drop down option and select the partition were the old Outlook Express file are then select search. You will now have a list of folder select the one that contains your old dbx files Copy them into a new folder on the desktop. Now do the same process as above only this time select the partion were your newley installed Outlook Express lies open this folder and just copy the old dbx files from the folder on the desktop and your old e-mails will be restored. If there a e-mails you wish to keep in the new Outlook Express then create a new folder in Outlook copy them over before you carry out the above task. You can then copy them back into there original folders when you finshed. get back to me if you have problems
  16. I to believed in the death penalty but the police over the years have made too many mistakes for this to be a option. Since this must be discounted I firmly believe Life must mean Life. Once you decide to deliberately take a life you for go any right to live in soceity again. I also agree with Wolfeymole 3.5 years isn't nearly enough he will be out in less than 2 years. Can't say the same for the victims of this horrendous crime they have life sentence to live with.
  17. I've been looking at this game but it seems from what I've seen that its only going out as a Windows Vista see link below Amazon.co.uk: Crysis Warhead (PC DVD): PC & Video Games :(I'll be disappointed my self as I enjoyed the first game but my OS is XP pro.
  18. I've always said I like any music when its done well but my fav is Meatloaf & Queen. But for me of the best musical ending to a PC Game is Prey. When compleated at the advanced level your rewarded by this YouTube - After Midnight Project "Take Me Home" Prey Video
  19. Some Great pictures there Mara.:) The one I that leaves me asking the Big WHY? question is picture 11 of Hurricane Ike. A mile of road with everyting gone but there in the middle there's one house standing. If you were in construction I guess you would have to ask? :confused:"What as this House got that none of the others have"
  20. Registry Cleaners The first PC game that ever pulled me in was the origonal Command & Conquer. But this game could be buggy and cause problems. When I had a problem I could'nt remedy C&C support recommended I reinstall C&C which did not repair the problem. So before I resinstalled the game they recommended I enter the registry (at my own risk) and remove all referances to this game before reinstalling C&C and gave me detailed instructions on how to do this. This gave me confidence to carry out the same instructions with any other software I installed which was causing me problems. But Reg Cleaners I've used never always remove all referances to uninstalled sofware and all of them, when tested by me have produced false negatives. A registry cleaner will remove most invalid referances to uninstalled software and I have never personally used one that caused me problems. For a newbie they somtimes can help but I believe that even newbies with the right instructions (provided the feel confident to do it) should be encourage to become more confident with the registry. So I seen no reason to clutter the registry with invalid referances of old uninstalled software and the more powerfull a program is the more numerous the invalid the refrances they leave behind. They are useful has a tool but they are not the Gods they claim to be I have never found any Optimiser the cured all my PC woes, the best tool for that is the Internet and the millions of people that give a little of their time to help others. Without it I would'nt be the PC confident guy I am today.
  21. :)Hi to all in the forum. Been look round the site for the last couple of days and I'm sure your must be all proud of what I think is probable the best free help site I've seen. It seems to cover just about every aspect of PC problems. I my self have been around PC since the Commodore 64 days so whilst not a tech guy I can usually solve my problems with the help of the internet, although with my A8N32-SLI motherboard I had a nightmare repairing the problems SP3 caused on my PC. Thank god for the guy's who wrote Barts PE because without that I would have been really stuffed. Sorry for the long winded post but honestly a great site guys
  22. Hi to all in the forum I though it would be a good idea to start first post with something light hearted so here's my joke hope you like it. A New Mall is built close to a Hamish family. One day the father on impulse decide to take the whole family for their first vist to such a place. On entry the Mother and daughter head for the Womens Clothing whilst the father and son wander around gazing at the chandeliers and escalators. Eventually the become fascinated by two Large silver doors with a number 5 above. Has they watched the number counted down to 1 and doors opened and out came a beautiful young blonde. They both looked at each other wondering what was happening. Just then a little old lady came and entered the doors. The numbers counted up to 5 and a halted for a minute or so then the numbers counted down to 1, the doors opened and out came a beautiful young blonde. The hamish farther turned to his son and said "Quick son go and get your Mother"
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