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About sycho1981

  • Birthday 04/14/1981

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp_media

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. sorry for the delayed response times guys and girls, not on my puter much these days. @maynarddvm well thats what i figured but why isnt windows setup recognising it then? can't remember if i tried to format hdd, I probably did but i'll have another go to make sure
  2. yeah thats the laptop nev. what pictures would you like to see exactly?
  3. Sorted, turns out that theseroblems started when i installed adobe creative suite, uninstalled it and everything (seems to be working), thanks for your time
  4. no im afraid thats not done it either
  5. its a toshiba satellite pro u300 and it is registering a hdd in the bios
  6. @BeeCeeBee - just trying to make a movie, it did have over 90 clips in it though and I think my pc couldnt handle processing it all. @Dirtypolo - I did try that already(cept stage 5) but I'll try again later when i've cleaned out my pc's insides, i'll post back when i have Thanks
  7. Nope, no good, might be because the only system restore point it's showing is this morning when i uninstalled a program
  8. fair enough, how is it i do that?
  9. i initially thought it was a RAM issue because, this all started after movie maker crashed several times trying to save quite a large file and ever since then is when i've had the problem. The actual crashing now is when i open windows explorer with the thumbnail setting enabled, if i change the settings to tiles, icons etc then theres no problem but i'm still noticing a bit of slowdown generally. My RAM sticks are verizon(or something that sounds similar) and I have a 2gb with a 500mb(prior to yesrterday i had two 500mb sticks)
  10. My pc is a home build with roughly 2.5tb of hdd space , 2.5gb RAM with a dual cpu (1.6GHz?). I'm using service pack 3 on media centre edition 2002
  11. I'm using xp by the way
  12. A few free programs I would recommend would be VLC player which will play pretty much anything without codecs. VLC media player - Overview And Spotify which is a relatively new program which is like a much, much better version of last fm, which for the unaware is a music streaming site. This site is working in co-operation with many of the major labels (i.e. legal) and is totally free as long as you dont mind an advert every 8-10 songs or so in which case you can subscribe to the paid service. The catalogue is massive and diverse and there's almost no loading times,It's in it's beta stage at the minute and (apparently) invite only but if you go to the link you should be ok. If you like it, spread the word as this could help mean the end of music piracy eventually https://www.spotify.com/en/get-started/
  13. Sorry guys been away for a while, will get those pics up soon
  14. Hi all, Anyone know what it means when you get this message. dr watson postmortem debugger has encountered a problem and needs to close. It's usually preceeded by the same message referring to windows explorer and started after my widows movie maker crashed the other day for what i suspect were RAM issues. It seems that i cant access my hdd's while i have this problem thanks Si
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