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Boy Atlantis

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About Boy Atlantis

  • Birthday 07/12/1948

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp

Boy Atlantis's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Nice one - the PC now seems to read my thoughts and shuts down quicker than I can blink an eye. For info I unchecked the following from the StartUp box and unless advised otherwise will leave them unchecked: Apple SyncNotifyer ABBYY News Reader iTunes Helper Language - which has something to do with Power DVD Nero Check PC Sync2 - which has something to do with Nokia the phone I never connect. PDVDServ - again something to do with Power DVD which I also never use. Logo Calibration - associated with EyeOne2 my monitor calibration device. Any problems in the future with this app then I'll check it in the StartUp box once again. Profile Reminder - again to do with the EyeOne. Quicken Scheduled Updates - it's an old version and updates have never been available anyway. Many thanks for the help and quick response.
  2. In all other respects my PC is working AOK, or at least there are no problems that I am aware of. However, over the past week or so the PC appears to be getting slower and slower shutting down. When going to Start > Turn Off Computer I get the spinning egg timer for anything up to a minute and a half. When at last the options of Cancel, New Start or Turn Off do appear then upon clicking on Turn Off the wallpaper closes and the blue screen appears but it is again a further one and a half minutes before the PC actually finally shuts down. Has anyone any suggestions as to why this should be? Thanks.
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