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About Mathius

  • Birthday 02/15/1984

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  • System: windows_vista_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. that is so strange. thank you for you help and patience!
  2. ok this is so strange. the suspect ram worked on its own fine so did the other stick, when i put both sticks in with the suspect ram in port 1 it beeps with the suspect ram in port 2 it works fine. whats going on?
  3. thank you. right i swapped the sticks of ram and tried it with one and it booted. does that mean my ram has broken?
  4. hopefully not sounding stupid but GPU is graphics card right? i reinserted it and nothing again, i've tried my old graphics card and the same thing happens.. and the beeps came sooner.
  5. the problem is that it doesnt boot at all. it just repeats the process until it beeps three times and i worry it might blow up or something so i turn it off again. what power supply would you suggest to try?
  6. hey guys. right, firstly i didnt think of the reset button being stuck but it wasnt unfortunatly. i've tried it with one stick of ram and again unfortunatly not the problem. there are led's on the motherboard, 2 green, 2 orange and 2 red but when i switch on all of them are lit. and no i havent overclocked the proccessor i wouldnt know how. does that mean i need to replace the motherboard? or if i take it to a specialist could they repair it?
  7. Thanks. 7 run of the mill fans.
  8. hey, im new to this site and was wondering if anyone could suggest a solution. my set up is as follows Intel core 2 quad Q6600 @ 2.4 Ghz Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3 motherboard Corsair 4GB (2x2GB) DDR2 Point Of View 9800GTX Antec 650W Neopower Modular PSU 2xDvdrw drives 2x sata HDD 1x80gb 1x320gb Windows vista home premium I built the thing myself and it has been working since january when i first built it. today i turned the machine on and it tuns itself off before reaching the bios screen, it then turns itself back on again, which it has never done before on a crash, a few seconds later and then off again after a few seconds more. it has done this a few times before i gave up and pulled the thing apart, there seems to be no apparent reason for this behaviour, no burnt out boards, no dust clog, no nothing, so i put it back together then try again. It does the same thing and i have no idea why. could someone help solve this problem?
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