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Everything posted by RP1980

  1. I understand a file with extension .rar is a compressed file, or set of files, correct? Can anyone recommend any software which can 'unzip' the file for me? Thanks!
  2. The Microsoft Fix worked - Thank you very much, your a star!
  3. Hi, I bought a brand new HP laptop 3 months ago but I noticed yesterday the CD/DVD drive has stopped working. I don't use it too often but wanted to put a couple of photos on a disc yesterday so I could go to Tesco and print them. When I go into explorer the drive does not show up. Any ideas? FYI- I have a HP G70 Laptop running Vista Home Premium. Thanks!
  4. Hi, I recently purchased a new laptop, it came with a 60 day trial of Norton. I am now approaching the end of this period. I want to buy Kaspersky Internet Security instead of upgrading my Norton to the full version but I have heard horror stories from people who have tried to uninstall Norton. Has anyone here experienced any problems? Any tips for removing it successfully?
  5. Oops, didn't even think to change that when I bought my new laptop. Amended now. I have checked and I am the administrator. Thanks!
  6. How would I know if I have admin privilages? I am the one and only user of the computer. I bought it brand new a couple of weeks back and went through all the initial setup myself?
  7. Good Evening, Every time I open Vista on my laptop Windows Update advises me a new security update needs installing, 'Security Update for Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0 Service Pack 2 (KB954430)' I have selected this update to be installed many times, it also updates every time I shut the PC down but it's still there to be installed. When I look at the update history it appears several times. Why won't it go away? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v63/RedDragon365/Update.jpg
  8. Is there an easy way to synchronize files between my laptop and external HDD? My desktop is running Windows XP. The files I specifically want to sycronize is my music, I have Memeo Autobackup software running but that does not update files, it just creates new ones each time something changes. After doing this I would then ideally like to sycronize my laptop with the ext HDD, using the ext HDD as a central drive if you like. Not sure if this is possible though. I have seen software you can buy but I am hoping there is another way round it, or someone knows of some good free software? Thanks!
  9. Good Evening, I have recently bought a laptop which I plan to use in conjunction with my home PC. My home PC is a Compaq running Win XP, my Laptop a HP running Vista. I have a Netgear wireless router for my internet and a Buffalo ext HDD connected to the PC. Is there an easy way to network my 2 computers so I can access my files on either machine, and any changes made on my laptop take effect on my main pc and vice versa? Thanks!
  10. I am trying to copy photos from my PC to a 1GB memory card so I can display them in a digital photo frame. I have managed to copy 247MB of photos and Win Exporer is saying there is 726MB free on the card, however I cannot add any more photos, I get the following error message: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v63/RedDragon365/copyerror.jpg Any ideas? Thanks
  11. OK, I've solved this little mystery. For reasons unknown my PC changed the Boot Priority of my hard drives to boot the external HDD first and the internal second. I changed this though BIOS. Select the 'BOOT' tag, 'BOOT DEVICE PRIORITY' sub-menu, then select 'HDD GROUP BOOT PRIORTY' and put your internal HDD back to the top of the list to boot first. I guess this has happened to you too, must be something with the setup of the Buffalo drives. Problem solved!
  12. Hi I have come on here to post exactly the same problem, When I boot up my PC with the drive attached Windows doesn't load, I get a blank screen. Disconnect the drive and it loads fine. I am only running SP2 as had many problems with SP3 and had to uninstall it. mikefred can you let me know if you figure it out? Thanks!
  13. Good Evening, Can someone recommend the best free music management software? I am currently using Windows Media Player and some software I got with my Sony MP3 player, SonicStage. I was thinking of downloading iTunes, is it worth it if I don't have an iPod? Is it any better than what I already have? I'm not worried about the 'Music Store' aspect of these programs as I load all my music from my CD collection, on the rare occasions I do download I do so from Play.com. Can anyone recommend anything better that is legally free? Thanks!
  14. Sorry, not sure if this is the correct forum but... I had an issue a couple of months back which led to my computer reverting back to factory state (operator error, not technical :(). I lost all my files from my hard drive which I stupidly haven't backed up for over a year :eek:. I bought some recovery software and this has restored 80-85% of my photos, however the remaining 15-20% are corrupted and I cannot open them through MS Paint or the photo software I got with my HP printer and Kodak Camera (easyshare). Is there any hope I will ever be able to salvage these corrupted files, is there any software I can buy which will fix them, or some software which will open them in their current state? Thanks
  15. I am looking to buy an external hard drive. Are their any manufacturers which should be avoided? I am limited to about £50 and need no more than 100gb, however I have seen a great deal on a Buffalo DriveStation 500GB for £49.99 Has anyone any experience with their products? I don't want a 'cheap' product that will cause me problems, just one that's good value. Thanks!
  16. Perfect. All sorted. Thanks.
  17. Sorry, I'm sure the answer is ridiculously obvious and is probably in the Forum somewhere but I couldn't find it with search. How do I delete old system recovery points, and can be selective on which ones you delete? Thank you! :cool:
  18. Evening Guys, I went through 'Start Up List' thread by Wolfeymole in 'Tech Tips & Tricks' Forum and disabled the ones I didn't think necessary. This seems to have created a problem though, before XP boots I get a question 'Select Operating System' with the option of either 'MS Windows XP Home Edition' or 'MS Windows Recovery Console'. It times out after 3sec so it's not too time consuming but I never had it previously? I changed all my start-up items back to default, thinking this would solve it, but it hasn't. I think I have tracked it down to the BOOT.ini file in msconfig (see below). I think maybe I changed somthing in error when changing my startup items. Do all the settings seem ok? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v63/RedDragon365/startup2.jpg
  19. Thanks Mike - I have tried this and got the following error message: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v63/RedDragon365/error.jpg After some research on Google it appears this is linked to the NetGear wireless adaptor. I have found this information with a program to correct it: PC Hell: How to Fix RtlGina2.dll error with Windows XP Welcome Screen I don't want to try it as I don't know the website and it may contain a virus or spyware. Has anyone had any experience of this and tried this fix? Thanks
  20. Ever since I changed to wireless internet (Netgear DG834GSP v3 Router & WG111 v2 USD Receiver) my PC acts as a 'network' PC - ie. it doesn't boot straight into windows, it always brings the XP logon screen first (I don't have a password so just hit enter with blank field to load). Also when I hit Ctrl+Alt+Del I get the 'advanced' screen with 'Lock Computer', etc, which I previously only got on my Network PC at work. Now this isn't an issue, I can quite happily live with it but while I was here I just thought I'd check if it was normal, or if any of my settings need changing? Thanks!:D
  21. Thanks for the advice Seth - I had already done the system restore, which worked fine, I didn't lose anything as I couldn't do anything since the download. I am up and running again now! Thanks for all your help.
  22. Evening Guys, Reading a post further down here (about slow shut down of PC), I thought I'd check the startup list on my PC - I was horrified by how much was on it, and it probably goes some way to explaining why my PC takes ages to boot. Could somebody please review my list and let me know what isn't necessary? Thank You! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v63/RedDragon365/Startup.jpg
  23. I see, thanks for the advice. Just to confirm - If I go back to the restore point created yesterday (prior to download) I won't lose any of my settings, programs or files?
  24. Good Afternoon, Just popped in (via Google) with a technical query. Just wanted to say this looks an excellent site with some very knowledgable people. I think I might stick around a bit longer! Rich.
  25. Excellent - thanks for your prompt response. I will restore then take the beast to my local computer shop so they can scan it and find out what the underlying problems are. Thanks!
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