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About davidcolman

  • Birthday 11/09/1955

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    support worker
  • Real Name
    david colman

Tech Info

  • Experience
  • System: windows_vista_home_2

davidcolman's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi I have had a photo printer attached to my HP PC which accepted my photo HD card and displayed it perfectly on my pc. I have now disconnected the printer and my pc, which has card slots on the front, will not work with an SD in it and yet the orange working light works like mad. Have you any suggestions as to why this relatively new pc will not work with SD cards? Thanks
  2. latest I just took the plunge and called PC world where I bought the machine...they told me to disconnect all the cables after turning the machine off. I did so and reconnecting the pc booted as normal...this was down to static....I decided to check if it was all over and re boot the pc....same again black screen with cpu info and asking me to press F10 to enter setup...none of which responded...so a wasted call....and the machine is still not booting.:(
  3. same again hi again all was well yesterday and I downloaded the new windows live one virus and cleanup utility to eradicate the the trojan...there were 6 apparently. I was asked to re boot the machine and on doing so encountered the same problem as before.:mad: This time pressing f8 does nothing nor do any of the other f keys. What is going on???
  4. pc problem Hi all Thank you to all who offered tips and advice on my problem, i am delighted to say I managed to get the pc to boot up :D and am now running a virus scan so hope to eradicate the problem :smile: sites such as this are absolutely vital to dummies like me :rolleyes: so once again thanks to everyone who helped.;)
  5. My pc has suddenly gone mad. It wont go past the prompt page where it allows you to select f10 f11 f12 etc. It will not allow me to select any of those re booting options. Before this happened my laser printer was refusing to print a document and on attempting to fill in an online form some letters were difficult to write, having to press the keys several times before they worked. Recently I attracted a warning sign telling me I had a trojan and I should go to the prompt to find out how to get rid. It was an ad for anti virus programmes. I suspect i have picked up a virus despite having windows defender and an up to date anti virus programme (AVG). I constantly clean the registry. I would have simply re installed the machine but My pc has no disc with it, is there any other method to a) boot the pc up...or B) re install I am using my lap top for now.:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
  6. hi my name is david colman and i am new on the forum. :) I dont think i will be able to help many people :oas i am a bit of a dunce with techie stuff, hence my joining up. i seem to have had a few pc probs of late:( and find myself in the s.....stuff again.:mad: ttfn David:thumb:
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