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About sondrio2

  • Birthday 05/09/1959

Tech Info

  • Experience
  • System: windows_vista

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. hi dalo, ive checked the box the laptop came in, ive not got a tools disk, i got the recovery disk plus a windows vista anytime upgrade disk, what would you suggest i do now, thanks.
  2. hi beeceebee, ive had a look for a disc and ive found the recovery disc for vista, is this the correct disc to use, thanks.
  3. thanks beeceebee for your help, im going to have a look if i have a disc in the morning, the read me file looks a little scary for a novice like me, for a starter i cant see the bit if you dont have a disc so hopefully i have one somewhere, ill let you know how i get on.
  4. thanks for all the replies, theres plenty of things to try.
  5. thanks, im having to go out for a while, i appreciate your help, ill check back later.
  6. i thought i had, what would you suggest now
  7. about half an hour, the display file is 252mb
  8. its exactly the same, the only differance is teh time of dowmload, 4 minutes apart
  9. when i click on the intel i then get 2 choices v7.14.10.1461 logo is the first one, when i click on this i then get loads of choices, i tried clicking on set up but it says that my computer does not meet the minimum requirements. any ideas in the meentime the desktop keeps on going red and ghost like, usually when i start typing.
  10. display-20081031100404 when i click on this i then have the choice of 2 files ATI INTEL
  11. the screen is still flashing
  12. ive done that and unzipped the file, do i need to do anything with it.
  13. hi nev, my model is a series toshiba laptop A200 - 151 model name PSAE2E - 00J00CAV MODEL NUMBER as im typing this reply i can see the background at the bottom of my screen flashin red at each keystroke, although im not getting any message at the moment, ive had a look at the download link and im not sure which download to go for, ie the flash or the display or perhaps another, there are so many listed, by the way my system is 32 bit, any help would be most appreciated.
  14. hi, im having a problem with my toshiba equium laptop, ive been getting the message every now and then that the display drivers have stopped working, i restart and then its ok, but for the last couple of days the screen as gone red and ghost like, this happens in the background as im working on the laptop, again i have to restart to get rid of the problem, the laptop is about 16 months old, any ideas, thanks.
  15. thanks guys for your reponses, the router is a couple of years old so perhaps its time for a change, i will check the settings though, thanks again.
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