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Plastic Nev

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Everything posted by Plastic Nev

  1. Hi and welcome. You should really have asked your question in the laptop and display section but not to worry. If you feel like tackling the job yourself, it isn't too difficult to replace a laptop screen. Have a look here at this specialised laptop site for instructions= http://www.laptoprepair101.com/category/lcd-screen-repair/ Nev.
  2. Hi Ritaj, this is sounding a lot like a registry corruption, especially if you have tried any so called registry cleaners in the past, or allowed CCleaner into the registry. Do you have any kind of system restore disk? If so let us know please and maybe we can go from there. Nev.
  3. Could do with knowing what those two readings showing 127C are actually for, that is horrendously high and may well cause damage if it hasn't done so already. Nev.
  4. Hi, Do you intend installing a separate and more powerful graphics card? If so we would need to know that and type you intend fitting, otherwise I doubt you would need even 600watts, though if it can be afforded, what can supply a lot will cope quite happily with a little, and gives you scope for expansion later.
  5. Hi and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. The mains voltage is 230 volts at 50HZ, more or less the same as here, you will need a two pin type adapter to use our standard 13 amp plug to their wall sockets. For any one needing to know different supply voltages, frequency, and plug and socket types, have a look at this site= http://www.kropla.com/electric2.htm Hope that helps, Nev.
  6. Yes indeed, exactly the same here too. welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help, It took me all afternoon to get round to understanding how my own sound system works, a long time ago mind.
  7. Welcome from me too, hope we can improve on that below. Actually reminds me of my ex Mrs and the TV, she could dust it OK, but the remote was a mystery.
  8. Hi, the fan and the heat sink fins look OK to me, does the fan spin at a good fast speed when connected? If so then all you need now is the paste as recommended, fit it all back together and make sure it is held tightly onto the processor so it can absorb the heat. You could go for a better fan perhaps, and if the original fan runs slow or is stiff to turn, then a new one would be needed anyway, Dalo is best qualified for recommending the best fan to get if it should be necessary. Nev.
  9. Thanks for the clarification Mike on this issue. I appreciate that, and that adverts are unfortunately a very necessary thing to fund the forum. Hopefully we will no longer be plagued by those where security could be compromised for those who may click on links within them. I will once again mention that there are add ons for most browsers that block adverts from showing anyway, and as such are an addition to overall security by users not being placed in a position to click on dubious links. Nev.
  10. Sorry guys but I don't see any adverts. However that is because I am using Firefox with "AddBlockPlus" (ABP) installed, so until now I wasn't aware of any adverts, or how intrusive they seemed to be to others. I hope that there will be answers to this problem. Nev.
  11. As well as the above from Starbuck, I have been made aware that there seem to be a problem with two executables (Programs) the first and seemingly the most prolific is PC Tools Firewall, SP1 appears to interfere with the firewall making it block a host of different things including browsers or many websites. The second, but only seen one report so far is Skype. When in use after a short period of time the computer locks or freezes. Until such time that these issues are resolved, a simple answer is to uninstall service pack 1. The simplest way is to go to "System Restore" and use the restore point prior to the installation of SP1. Hopefully Microsoft and/or the third party software vendors will soon sort these problems out. Service pack 1 can then be reinstalled. Nev.
  12. First thing would be to make sure the system or yourself can not send any fresh data to that D drive. I would disconnect myself. There are file recovery programs which may be able to find your missing files on the disk if they aren't written over. I don't know enough to go further so I advise waiting for one of our other more technical members to try and sort out why this happened in the first place, and also a recommendation of file recovery software. Nev.
  13. OK, thanks for that, if more than one player is crashing after a short time there must be a conflict with something else that is running at the same time. As you can maybe see this could be hard work. However, a favourite is security software, which firewall do you have, which antivirus do you have and also any other either antimalware or anti spyware programs. Also I must ask are you running more than one firewall or antivirus. If more than one running they will conflict anyway which could be a probable cause as well. Let us know what you have so far and we will see if anything obvious stands out. Others may also have ideas as well as to different causes. Nev.
  14. Hi and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help, which version of Windows Media Player have you got? Have you looked at updating it for the newer version Windows Media Player 12, or Media Player 11 for XP. You can download either from this Microsoft website here= http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/products/windows-media-player Also have you tried any other player as well as the Apple Quicktime? Nev.
  15. Most folk will just get the update or upgrade on automatic updates, or the few like ourselves who are nosey and want to see what the updates are, and therefore keep it set at manual, will still likely download it rather than go for a disk. If however you wish to download it to burn to disk for a later install, plus learn a little more about it, have a look here= http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=c3202ce6-4056-4059-8a1b-3a9b77cdfdda&displaylang=en Edit to add, there is an interesting article about Windows7 service pack 1 here from Woody Leonhard via Windows secrets. http://windowssecrets.com/2011/02/24/01-What-you-need-to-know-about-Windows-7-SP1 Any problems with download or install we would be happy to help, I have already seen one instance of a conflict with the PC tools firewall. After install the firewall refuses to allow a few connections.
  16. Hi and Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help New hard drives don't come with any install disks. Once fitted to the machine you would then need to install the operating system onto the new drive. Do you have any disks that either came with the machine or were created by you when you first bought it? If no to both above, you would have to buy a copy of the operating system to install it to the new drive. Let us know the above and we can go further. Is this the machine with Vista or is it an earlier system such as XP? If it is Vista and you decide to buy a fresh copy of the operating system, why not go for Windows7? Nev.
  17. Hi and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. Although a failing PSU could be the problem, it is the least likely. It sounds more like a failing hard drive, can you get into the BIOS again by repeated tapping of the F2 key as soon as the start button has been pushed. Let us know what you see in there if possible and whether the hard drive shows. Nev.
  18. There can be many causes of a high PCU use, programs running in the background that may not be needed, malware which could be a trojan running your computer as part of a botweb, being some of the likely causes. Can you please let us know what security software you are using, such as firewall, anti virus and antispyware. Also is it possible to post a screen shot of the message you are seeing please. Nev.
  19. Microsoft have eventually released the service pack 1 on general updates for Windows7 32 and 64 bit systems. Be warned this update takes quite some time to download and install, and in most cases it asks for a restart about half way through. Expect to spend up to an hour, in some odd cases, and with slow connections even longer. I am lead to believe a large part of this time is taken up with the new service pack examining all previous updates and replacing some. If your system is one of the early releases, it will likely have more updates on so will possibly take longer. Make sure no other programs are running before starting the update and installation. Nev.
  20. Hi Mojo, welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. Sorry for not getting to you earlier as the forum has been down for a few days. Not too sure about this, but installing Windows7 just may have reformatted the entire drive before installing, therefore wiping the Ubuntu partition. You may have to recreate a new partition to install Ubuntu onto that. However one of our Ubuntu guys will know more so please hang on till then. Nev.
  21. Hi John, their seems to be two standards for the colours, the set you have are green for the video, red for left channel audio, blue for right channel audio. The other standard comprises red, white, and yellow. in those red is right channel, white is left channel audio, and yellow is video. For more info have a look here= RCA connector - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia However, your netbook may not have all that is needed for the correct conversion, the VGA out may only be able to work into another monitor. In which case you will need a converter box. Unfortunately they can be a tad expensive for what they do. Just short of £50 for this= PC to TV Convertor Free Delivery : PC to TV Products : Maplin Nev.
  22. A daft question perhaps, but do you have a cable to directly connect the camera to the PC's USB and read the card while still in the camera? If so does it work OK? If it does work, it may well be the reader is duff, even though it doesn't show up as faulty in device manager, it could be as simple as one of the contact tongues that contacts those on the SD card may have got bent or broken. Not something you may see easily as the contacts are down at the bottom of the slot. The only way to be sure is to try a new reader I am afraid. Nev.
  23. Hi Rik, the further we go the more it sounds like a corrupt file somewhere in Windows, though the suggestion from Goku didn't work, it could still be some registry value wrong. The simple answer would be a Windows repair, this reinstalls the whole of Windows, but providing it is done correctly will not delete any data. However to do this you do need a full copy, preferably exactly the same level, for example Windows7 Home premium. Do you have one? if not can you get one? Nev.
  24. Hi Will, most of these readers are usually connected through the USB system, so go back to device manager, then open up the Universal serial bus controllers. Any red or yellow marks there? Also have a look at "Portable devices" and open that too. If everything shows as OK there, turn the power off, and remove the cover, check the wiring is OK, remove then replace any plugs associated, to make sure one hasn't come a little loose. Let us know how you get on please. Nev.
  25. Hi Acorn and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help, That actually sounds to be something mechanical wrong and could be some part jammed. If so it may mean a new drive. However some checks first, is this a desktop or a laptop? If a desktop, turn the power off at the mains socket and remove the cover. Check that the cables plugged into the drive are properly connected, best perhaps to pull out and push back in to ensure a good connection. While the cover is off, check also the other ends of cables are connected properly as well. Let us know how you get on. Nev.
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