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Plastic Nev

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Everything posted by Plastic Nev

  1. Hi JayCee, I assume this is really a continuation of this original thread. http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/windows-7/11093-my-machine-telling-me-porky-pies.html Probably my fault for not getting back and telling you this is what I later found. So to qualify everything, leave those .ini files where they are, they are so small to be only a worry if your drive gets absolutely choked up.
  2. Hi and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. You could try a system restore back to a time before you installed the tag software. That should give you all the files back as they were originally named. Sorry I don't know of other name tagging software that will work correctly. Nev.
  3. Another good animation program I found quite a long time since is called UnFREEz, now at version 2.1 it is a zip file and although it seemed to install OK on XP, it will only sit on the desktop in W7 for some strange reason, but it can still be used even like that. You first have to create the frames, however many you may need, and in GIF format, in my case I created them in Photofiltre, then converted to GIF afterwards to create my animated name. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y282/plasticpig/Nevanimated1.gif Once the frames are created you just drag and drop them into the UnFREEZ window, select the time sequence between each frame change, then click the "Make animated GIF" button and store the file wherever you want. It can be downloaded from= Welcome to WhitSoft! - WhitSoft Development It took fifteen frames and is around ten Centisecond delay between each frame. In something like this and is the case in most animated scripts, in order to make sense of it your eyes need a short time both at the beginning and end to adjust, so two frames are blank at the start, and the full name is another four frames at the end.
  4. Hi and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. At this stage, considering it worked till moved, I suspect there may be a short circuit to the case. This could be a screw or washer under the mother board or even a spacer not in correct position, I would remove the mother board first to check that. While out of the case, place the motherboard on some cardboard or even newspaper to make sure it doesn't short to anything, reconnect everything and try again. If it runs OK out of the case, it is definitely something got between the board and the case shorting the board out. Nev.
  5. Also I might add, please don't spend money on something you can do yourself. Fitting Extra RAM is as easy as undoing the screws that hold the cover on, also if in need of another clean out, is also easy to do. If you are inclined to give it a go we can advise how to do it, that way the only expense will be the cost of the extra RAM, not lining someone's pockets for them to do a job they may not even be interested in doing. Believe me, it is incredibly easy to do if you follow our advice if we are asked to give it. Nev.
  6. A tad late for Christmas, but is still the season and animated snow done in a much easier to use program, in fact one that does it all for you, well nearly. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y282/plasticpig/Snowcats.gif This was a plain picture with the snow effect added by a free program called Sqirlz. From here= Sqirlz Water Reflections freeware
  7. Hum, just one little thing comes to mind here, does that motherboard have a graphics chip of it's own? if so has it been turned off? , A way to find out that may answer the original question as well, is remove the graphics card, then plug the monitor into the port on the motherboard. If the internal graphics are still on, the monitor will work, plus if the monitor still freezes after a short period it will also rule out a fault on the card. I assume the card is either PCIE or similar, these have their own memory and don't need to use the computers own RAM, however on board graphics chips do use the system RAM, which results in it showing some RAM out of the total not usable because the internal graphics have collared some for itself. Turning off the internal graphics once the card is fitted should then allow most of system RAM to show as usable, though the operating system itself pinches a bit too. Turning it off will also rule out any conflict between the two graphics systems, which may be the reason for your problem in the first place. I will add as an edit as I have just remembered, some graphics cards automatically turn off the internal or mother board graphics but others do not. To turn the internal graphics off if the card hasn't, it should be showing in the BIOS and where and how to disable it. Nev.
  8. Thanks for the reminder about folder options Randy, it has given me a clue regarding a different issue that JayCee has. However ticking show hidden files and folders didn't answer it. Nev.
  9. Rather than edit the previous post, here is what I found. So hum, you do seem to be finding all the odd quirks in windows7 my friend. Here is what I did. I opened a folder I knew to have four pictures in it, fine that is all there was, so went back to the folder and found exactly what you found, it showed as having five files and no folders. I then created a folder within it, but left it empty. That folder showed as empty with no files. A click on properties showed me still five files, but now one folder. OK, go back, delete the new folder (which I had given a name of qwerty) Back to five files, no folders. so temporarily moved the pictures to a different folder so it was now empty, and like yours still shows it has one file in it. I now suspect it is a hidden reference file perhaps, so the indexing service can put it in the right place. I see no other reason for an empty folder that once did hold something to show it has a file in it. Another odd thing you have found there, and unless someone else has a different idea or knowledge, I will go along with the idea it may well be a hidden file, put in there by the indexing service, or similar. So, after being reminded of hidden files and folders options in your other thread, I tried ticking "Show hidden files and folders" but even that didn't show anything either. Very strange. Nev.
  10. Not too sure of this as yet and will look at my own system shortly, but I am wondering if the system is counting the folder itself as a file, which technically speaking, once a folder is created, though empty is a file.
  11. Indeed a belated happy birthday I hope you had.
  12. OK thanks for that, and glad it has sorted itself out eventually, don't hesitate to come back if any further problems. Nev.
  13. Having seen reports both good and bad myself for Rapport, I would be interested in how our security folk think on it and their views, Starbuck is more likely to know the important side of it and its usefulness or otherwise. Nev.
  14. Hi and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. I assume this is the first time you have turned the laptop on? That sort of behaviour is not right, it shouldn't have done that at all, but being a refurbished machine a lot depends on what stage the operating system is at. I have looked round and found Pixmania selling refurbished models like yours and having been looked at I would expect to see the operating system to either be a new instal OEM by the refurbishing people and needs to be activated, or that it has already been through the activation process. None of which should do what you describe. Having said that have you shut it down and then restarted it and what happened then? Where did you purchase the machine from and if a reputable dealer, at this moment if there are problems I would either take or send it back as there is possibly a problem with the operating system's original install. Nev.
  15. Now that doesn't happen in W7 the extension is kept. Maybe part of the reason why it is reluctant to allow a name change perhaps.
  16. To be honest I reckon it is just another version of the Four Candles sketch, but still very funny in places. Especially where neither of 'em can keep a straight face regarding the size of the dongle. Merry Christmas. Nev.
  17. One thing I hadn't done was change one letter, I have renamed files, but probably closed it straight after so re-opening would show the change. So just did an experiment with a photo I have. The title was originally canada. so tried to change to Canada. I saw exactly the same thing and had to leave and go back to the photo album before the change showed up, Must be some strange thing in W7, but at least we know now the change will happen if closing and reopening the library section or directory. Why it is like that, or a cure for it, I have no idea. When I have a bit more time I will do a search and see if any answers are out there. Nev.
  18. Wishing all our members a good and computer trouble free Christmas and new Year. If you do have any problems though don't hesitate to get in touch and be thankful you don't have this problem with your Blackberry.
  19. Microsoft has issued a warning about a serious vulnerability in all versions of its Internet Explorer (IE) browser. More here= BBC News - Microsoft warns on IE browser bug
  20. If as Randy says the graphics card needs 600 watts, then to be sure there is enough left to run the rest of the machine you need a PSU rated at least to 750 watts, better if higher, and I would suggest looking at the highest powered PSU that you can afford and will fit the case. I have used Crucial in the past, present weather conditions in the UK excepted, the delivery times are good and their products are well worth the investment. Nev.
  21. Sometimes when trying to explain how to use various aspects of the control of a computer or how to get the best out of an application, or even hardware, a video can sometimes get the point over a lot better than miles of script descriptions. For that purpose I found a useful video screen capture free program. It is called "Freez Screen Video Capture" and can be downloaded from here- Free iPod Video Converter, 3GP Video Converter, DVD Ripper, Video Capture, Flv Converter. There are other free software's available on that site but the one we want is at present second down on the left. It is simple to use and as the advert said "It does exactly what it says on the tin" You may need a microphone connected if wanting to give a commentary of what you are doing, but in order to prevent howl round do turn down or mute your own speakers. For an example of how it can be used, I was asked to explain how to use the now well known USB flash or pen drive, for someone completely new to computing and running Windows 7. here is the video I created to do just that.- Flash drive tutorial. on Vimeo Please forgive the Lancashire accent, the odd glitches, short silences, (while I thought up what to say next LOL) And perhaps lack of planning, as I did this with no script and straight off the top of my head. While also trying to keep things as simple as possible. Once you have created your video, it can then be uploaded to one of the many video hosting sites available, I used Vimeo, but Youtube or others will be just as good. Hope someone else can also find uses for this, Nev.
  22. Hi and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Fozy. A lot depends on what inputs your TV has, though most modern sets do have HDMI I am not sure if VGA will be available so you may need to buy a VGA to whatever input is available adapter, Let us know what inputs are available on the TV. I will add that although HDMI is going to give you the best picture, for most things an adapter from the VGA output of the netbook will be perfectly acceptable.
  23. I think I had better add here that no matter how fast your browser is at loading a page, it sometimes has to wait in a queue, so some sites may seem slow to load anyway. At varying times of day the whole network may be slow through system overload, also your own ISP may be throttling speed down at busy periods, it is well to remember that when comparing one browser to another. It isn't always the fault of the browser, it is having to wait for information to come through from the website you are asking it to view. Nev.
  24. Hi, glad you found the answer and resolved it, thanks for letting us know. Those sound effects are quite often used by the more adventurous musicians to create their music, and not every sound system has them to the level you seem to have. I must admit I hadn't thought of that earlier, but will remember it for the future. Nev.
  25. OK folks this thread is now very old, although some folk have recently reported some suggestions in it have worked for them, and that is of course excellent news. However technology has moved on and some of the problems may not now ever surface again hopefully. So I am asking that any one new to the forum can you please start a new thread with whatever your problem may be. That way there is more chance of your thread being seen and acted on by our membership and staff, as older threads do tend to be ignored. Thanks in anticipation, Nev.
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