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About KillerClown

  • Birthday 12/18/1967

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi Kelly i have done this with out turning off my PC i switch to my 19" Monitor and there are no problems.:) The other thing that gets me is that i have sent the Monitor back and they say they have fixed it but with in 10 mins of using it the screen goes blank again:confused:
  2. Hi all i am new to the site and thought i would say hi before i jump into my problem. HI :D Any way on to my problem , I own a 24" Hyundai model w24od for the last 6 months and it has started to go wrong, it will flicker at the top of the screen for a bit and then it will go blank and you can do nothing with it for a while, but when you do get it up and running it will only run for about 10 Mins before going blank again. I have sent the monitor back to Hyundai and they had it for a week, they sent it back today say it was fixed but after 10 Mins the screen went blank, so if any one can give me some help i would be very happy :D thanks.
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