Hi, ok i was playing guild wars one morning when my game frooze and my computer crashed restarted gave me a blue screen for like half a second then restarted again. I could only get into windows via safe mode. I tryed wiping the hard drive and rsinstalling window like 5 times but all i get is a 640 x 480 res . I then tryed reintalling the video cards drivers from the disk which normally solves this problem, but then i get the whole restarting + blue screen thing all over again. I tryed taking out the video card(GF 6200) and putting the one that came with the computer(ATI radeon 9250SE) and all i get is a blank screen so i had to put the 6200 back in again.
I also went to device manager and my 6200 doesn't even show up all i have is "other devices" and under that controller VGA compatible, which i might add everytime i load windows desktop i need new new hardware notice coming up with something about this VGA thing.
BTW this computer is like 4 years old and so is the 6200, using it because my laptop is being fixed, so maybe it's just an age thing. Hope you guys can help, thanks
Manufacture TriGem Computer NETHERLANDS
Model Patriot MC2981
CPU pentium 4 processer
Memory 512MB DDR
Hard drive 80GB
Video card GT6200 card atm did have a ATI radeon 9250SE