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About smirice38

  • Birthday 05/10/1962

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  • System: windows_xp_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. thanks for the advice i think i will uninstall them
  2. i have managed to uninstall STOPZILLA and my internet seems to work i ran the scans and superantispy found 4 adware then i ran malware bytes and it found nothing i went to msconfig and i couldnt see anything with STOPZILLA but there were other things in there such as google desktop google toolbar notifyer, i tunes helper and ZLH which is something to do with madesafe which i dont use can these be taken out
  3. hi all i downloaded stopzilla free version at the weekend when i was having some problems , i ran the scan and it found all sorts of nasties, thats when i came on here and asked for some advice i ran all the scans i was told to do and everything went great since then stopzilla runs a daily scan but keeps finding the same nasties so i run the superantispy and the malwarebytes and even the eset scans but they say all clear this morning i decided to uninstall STOZILLA everything went wrong again and i couldnt get my internet at all i had to do a system restore to yesterdays date all is fine but STOPZILLA is still saying i have nasties can i not get rid of STOPZILLA as it wants me to buy the full version before it takes the nasties away please can someone advise
  4. anti virus thanks guys i will do as you say as you are the ones that know what you are talking about thanks again as i have been checking around and everything seems normal
  5. pc guard thanks for that but virgin media charge me £3.00 a month for using p.c. guard i just wonder if i can get something else can i run virgin media with something else or should i just get something else and switch it off
  6. antivirus i am running pc guard from virgin media which has never been switched off as it is a newish p.c and i got pc guard when i got the p.c but it doesnt seem to pick up these nasty bugs after i clean system restore it asks how much disc space to use i have set it as maximum is this correct?
  7. scans i have completed the scans the last scan was the online scan what is the next thing to do , i have tried visiting a couple of sites in internet explorer and it seems to work
  8. i came back to my pc today after letting my niece use it and on the screen was a windows security alert saying something about antivirus 2009 i clicked to try and get it off but everything went crazy my internet either wont find the page or it sends me somewhere else i have virgin pc gaurd but it does not pick up anything so i have downloaded stopzilla and completed a scan it says i have some trojans adware and a rogue they are TDSS ,Vundo-N ,antivirus 2009 can anyone help or advise me as i havent got a clue what to do
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