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Everything posted by bigshak

  1. open the link i posted
  2. Memory upgrades from Crucial.com - Determine My Memory Needs before i got the new 512 the 2 256 and 1 512 were working fine, i took out 1 512 but im not sure if its the right one as it looks the same :( but so far it has not rebooted itself
  3. they look like the first ones you posted
  4. all i know is the 2 256 mb are next to each other and the 512mb is on its own i have no idea which slots are which :(
  5. i have 4 slots i originally had 2 samsung 256mb factory fitted...then a few months ago i put it a single 512mb from play.com no problems with that. and a few days ago i ordered the exact same 512mb from play.com again and been having problems ever since
  6. there was one thing when i took the memory out though and switched it back on the pc was making 3 beep sounds and i could not see it on the monitor..so i switched it off from the back and opened it back up and moved the memory over and it was ok when i swithced it back on
  7. when it booted up it said something about the 'firmware has recognised memory un-installed or something like that
  8. i have removed the memory i installed just 10 mins ago and its just weird because its the same memory i bought last time and that gave me no problems
  9. ok my pc is restarting itself say after an hour or so and i took this image for you for a better understanding of the problem.. it only started happening 2 days or so ago, i put some memory in and thought maybe thats why but i also picked up a virus or two so im quite lost pls help
  10. hello to all of you im happy to have found this site and look forward to gaining more knowledge from you all thank you :)
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