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Everything posted by WhyCantThingsJustWork

  1. Ok here goes :) pentimum 3 736 mhz o.0 192 RAM g400 matrox millenium graphic card. Thats all I can find and as you can see the technology is very old. I am playing online games n stuff and when im playing is freezes and crashes alot. I will search the forums as you suggested, thank you.
  2. Hello again. Does anyone have any tips on making my old PC faster without replacing parts etc. Especially when on games, thank you. *I wouldn't mind buying a new RAM but I dont think this PC hold DDR or DDR2, its the oldest DDR thing :)
  3. Changing the screen resolution didn't work.I will just have to buy a new one. :mad:
  4. :| i dont know its either the first or second one, thanks. btw i just changed the resolution from 1280 x 1024 to 1024 x 768. im downoading a game atm lol then gna see if it works. thanks for the fast reply.
  5. Hi. when I try to play games on this PC for example a downloaded chess game or online game after about 5 - 10 minutes it will freeze and the scrren will turn into coloured stripes. note that this PC is very old/crap but still works fine when not playing games. please dont laugh at specifications:): pentimum 111 processor, 224mb RAM lol adn windows exp i want to be able to play games on this PC so plwase make suggestions of waht this could be and how i could fix it, thanks. oh and that PC fits the game requirements by a little too.
  6. My copmuter keeps randomly restarting, freezing and is also hard to start up. Im not really sure what the problem is but my computer is 3 years old, windows xp home edition, 2.93ghz and 512 MB of ram. I recently downloaded the speedfan software and it gave me the following readings (I would of taken a screenshot but had some trouble :\ ) : system: 40C CPU: 78C AUX: 121C HD0: 33C CPU0 fan: 3041 rpm speed01: 100% speed04: 86% speed02: 100% speed03: 100% Vcore: 1.36V +12V: 11.56V AVcc: 3.36V At the time of the reading I had MSN and internet explorer running. If anyone detects something wrong here could you please tell me what and how I could correct it, thanks. Sorry I couldn't get a screenshot.
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