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About ungowa

  • Birthday 08/16/1965

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_vista_home_2

ungowa's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. aaarrgggh yes am using laptop which runs vista,desktop is xp,as for what does it say on the copy of xp,? micro soft home edition with sp2 .cont alt and delete should bring up task manager but doesnt, brings up a screen with advanced options on only,one of which was a temperature check and it showed the front fan wasnt working. srry i cant explain these things properly
  2. am a total pc thickie so excuse if my wording is wrong.desktop was working fine until we had a power failure,now when we turn it on we get a screen saying things like -turn on in safe mode ,turn on using last known good configuration,we have tried to restart the pc using all these options but just keep getting returned to this screen.cont alt delete does take me to other page but all i can see from there is that the front fan? doesnt appear to be working,could this be a problem.downloaded an xp recovery prog frm this site(as original was lost) but it wont let me re install xp as it cant find end user liscense agreement?.... any help greatly appreciated as teenage son is cutoff frm msn and pulling his hair out ty
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