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About Azzaahh

  • Birthday 02/01/1992

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  • System: windows_xp

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  1. Thanks Goku, ill let u know how it goes
  2. hey there Goku well ill tell u the situation.. i was on this forum before and got directed to a sigmatel major-c audio driver but i didnt save the file, i just hit "run", then recently my microphone stopped working and had no driver for it, then just today my speakers went off, all that is happening is that it has no driver for it, Sigmatel Major-C Audio Driver that was what i previously downloaded, hope that is enough info and not a load of blabbing on :D Thanks Azz
  3. hey thanks for the help wolfeymole is there possibly any other place to download sigmatel drivers because that place doesnt have many for windows XP pro Thanks Azz im sorry for being an idiot lol i forgot to mention it is an onboard soundcard, so im not sure if that makes a difference thanks
  4. could anyone please provide a link or a website where i could download sigmatel sound drivers please Thanks Azz
  5. Hello all glad ifinally found somehwere to get advice, hope u can help and hope i can also privide some kind of help :D Azz
  6. guys thank you very very much, it was a sound driver problem i am extreemely greatful for all your help thank you
  7. the speakers and mic are plugged into a little connection right above the sound card, not directly into the sound card in the device manager there is a yellow question mark next to "multimedia audio controller"
  8. as a reply to you Nev the computer is a packard bell iExtreme i believe, not sure if thats the model bt thats what the comp says secondly when i look inside the comp there seems to be a soundcard plugged in although that was alreaddy in when i got the comp, so it may be an onboard one, im not too good with comps :P but if it is not an on board one i have no idea of the make and model, and the changes i made recently was just reinstalling windows xp but when i first bought the computer and installed windows, there was no problem with my sound then i hope this helps
  9. hey there thanks for the help so far i have checked in control panel but its as if the computer doesnt recognise that the devices are plugged in i think it may have something to do with a faulty soundcard maybe but also when i boot my computer because it hasnt been on in a long while, it says my cmos battery is runnign low, could that have any effect ?
  10. hey there yes i click on the new thread icon and it asks me to log in but when i do i get redirected back to the page telling me to log in and its only on the sound cards forum which it doesnt seem to let me log in this may be an issue with my computer im not sure what do u think? Its ok i just reboted and everything is fine lol ty :D
  11. hey there guys. firstly im not sure if this is a soundcard related problem or motherboard so if this is the wrong forum i am extreemely sorry . but the problem is that when i plug speakers and a mic into my computer, the computer seems to not be able to see them and it is as if i have not plugged them in i was reading other posts and i was wondering if it has anything to do with the motherboard not recognising the devices or if it was purely a soundcard issue. please help me :D Thank you Azzaahh
  12. sorry guys but it wont let me post anything in the "sound cards" forum but will let me with everything else, could u tell me what is wrong plz? thank you Azzaahh
  13. Hello there all before i start posting or post a problem i just wanna tank you guys for offering this service as many other places decided not to help thank you Aaron (Azzaahh)
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