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Everything posted by Wondercai

  1. Thanks for your reply once more. I updated my bios and messed around for some more hours and have now finally got the new 2 gig running, however if i put the old gig in i get an error message so i think i will leave it at 2 gig which is good enough. Thanks alot for your help:)
  2. Should i update my bios to the latest version? Also i am now ruinnig 1 gig of the new ram on 2.2v but cant get the second one to work with it on anoy other slots, however the old ram works in the dim2 b slot with it??????????
  3. "But at the moment we are still trying to get this one to run" can i add you on msn? easier then?
  4. yes ok ill go try:p i did get 3gig ram in before when i borrowed 2 gig ddr2 black dragon ramm ?
  5. i Manged to fix it by updating the bios:D
  6. yes but you dont have all of the settings turned off ,emphasis on all
  7. lol which is the reason i bought new RAM. All the settings on turned onto classic as to save as much ram speed
  8. I am running vista 64bit ultimate, in my previous thread i don't believe i stated i was running XP if i did??? it was a mistake:o
  9. On vista it says under system processor unknown 2.3 ghz when it is actually a triple core, Bios upgrade?
  10. Dam this is getting frustrating now, spent the whole day and no results:( when i put the new ram in it automaticly goes to 800mhz and then crashes when i put old ram in it goes to 400mhz. how do i change voltage it doesnt show any voltage things only mhz, and doesnt say anything about it in he manual. Again thanks for the reply, hope i can get this sorted:o Any advice anyone?
  11. Thanks for reply:cool: I went into BIOS and changed the ram from auto to manual and put it at 400mhz which i gather is 1.8v judging from CPU Z. My older ram is just 1 stick of 1 gig pc2 8500 Also i have some screen shots that might be useful. slot 1 and 2 are the new RAM and slot 3 is the new RAM
  12. My existing memory was 1 gig! Well thank you for your prompt reply but i am still unclear on what to do next? I booted my PC with just the 2 gig of new memory in and it crashed and then it wouldn't boot until i put my old ram back in, so do i put all ram back in and change some settings on bios (Voltage)? So i start by trying 2.0 V and then 2.2V even though we don't know what my existing ram will go to in Voltage? Also where will i find this information in bios, i had a quick look before but was not strictly looking for it, and on the recomend ram from corsair it only goes up tto 2.0 so does that mean i may have to buy new ram?
  13. 2Gb A-Data DDR2-1066 PC2-8500 Vitesta Extreme desktop RAM computer memory upgrades It says something about 2.2V does that mean anything? Also here is a better screenhot which motherboard config for ram Also i believe it is the ram now because i just had another blue screen when i clicked on crucial memory scan
  14. how about a screen shot of cpu z? 2Gb A-Data DDR2-1066 PC2-8500 Vitesta Extreme desktop RAM computer memory upgrades Thhis is the new ram. And again thanks for the reply
  15. i dont understand what you mean? thank for the reply though:D
  16. For vista you need 3 gig of ram for assanisn creed!
  17. Ram- voltage??-EPP?? Do they work togther? I have just upgraded my ram from 1 gig ddr2 to 3gig ddr2 and im getting blue screen on games, i am using the mother M2N VM HDMI the ram should work together. I have included a screen shot of the ram via SIA. The old ram worked perfect (DVQE1A), the new ram is the EXTREME DDR2 1066+ x2. Also i recently updated my drivers for my 9500gt and a game would blue screen, i rolled back driver and now the game freezed and crashed? Also i don't know if it is even the ram because without the new EXTREME DDR2 1066+ x2 ram i could run Crysis but all setting on low because i didn't have enough ram, the game would freeze randomly sometimes and i would have to "END IT NOW" i assumed it was cause i was playing on 1 gig vista 64 bit, and task manager would say 90-95 % ram usage. But when i put the new ram in and play a couple of games on both games it blue screens saying to remove any new hardware installed and something about memory dump?
  18. Doesn't really help since i cant afford a new card. that's why i was trying to fix the problem in the first place:(
  19. thank you for your quick reply. I am running windows vista ultimate 64 bit but that is irelevant as the problem occurs on windows XP, i am using the inbuilt graphics on the motherboard M2N- VM HDMI amd triple core 2.3 processor 1 gig ddr2 1080 mhz ram but the inbuilt grpahics uses 128- 256 of the ram also i am using inbuilt reaaltech HD sound i have sufficent power supply at 400 watts. I have tried swapping moniters, OS, RAM but problem still occurs. I tried my brothers graphics card and the problem went so its definatley the graphics, also i havent overclocked the pc or graphics or changed anything since new, mothjerboard 4 months old. Hope any of the info can give an indication of the problem.
  20. Motherboard - M2N- VM HDMI freezes with werid lines across screen, have to reboot it, happens all the time at random times
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