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About marshymoo

  • Birthday 07/10/1971

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_vista_home_2

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. i too had this problem i had this message on my computer and i can assure you it was a big pain in the neck. it rendered my computer messenger and internet explorer useless. i finaly took control back but as yet have not succeeded in removing the kiwi from the computer all attemps in add/remove programe fails and i randomly remove something else instead. Try the following as i did and as a computer novice i have no idea how many of these steps are not relevant but this is what i did. click the start menu and right click internet explora icon, scroll to internet properties and click go to programs and manage add-ons you shouldsee in the list of add-ons kiwi click on this and then the disable highlight under the menu( i had 2 and only one would disable however after the restart of my computer both had disabled ) then go into the advanced section and click on reset ( this reconfigured all the defaults the kiwi had somehow scrambled enabling the internet explorer to work again ). in add/remove uninstall the messenger restart the computer. (this has to be done in every individual log in on the computer) i tried to re-install the messenger but the message appears again so i use skype or facebook to chat to friends now, at least until i find a kiwi removal tool.
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