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About beebye

  • Birthday 11/28/1942

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  • System: windows_xp_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. hi, thankyou. I did the Driverfinder Uninstall as advised by Match, 7 Its done the trick. I was beginning to think I was stuck with It. thanks, Match!
  2. hi everyone, my daughter has downloaded driverfinder onto my computer & I now want to uninstall. But when I click on the change or remove button, a window appears which says the programme Is running, & to please switch off before trying again. however, there Is nowhere to switch off driverfinder that I can see. I am on windows xp.:cool:
  3. yea jelly bean, I think I'll block it as well. Its not worth the hassle. everytime i switch on it tells me there r downloads waiting. so when I did download thats what happened. thanks again.
  4. Its done the trick, jellybean. I'm now back on IE7. & I'm not bothering 2 update again. at least, not yet! many thanks. apologies 2 everyone 4 hijacking a thread, It was unintentional, me being a nerd. sorry everyone.
  5. hi jelly bean, thankyou, I'll do that & hope It solves the problem.
  6. Hi folks, recently, I upgraded 2 Internet explorer 8 & now an irritating error message keeps appearing.it says error has occured on this page! f urther down it says, error-library not registered. can anyone help me please? I ca'nt seem 2 find anything wrong.:confused:
  7. hi all, been this morn. & upgraded memory. what a difference! It now says 1103mb in performance options & physical memory available 753,136kb. being a complete geek, i do'nt know what It means, but no doubt you folks do. So thankyou once again 4 coming 2 my rescue.
  8. many thanks 2 u all. at the moment I find that If I switch computer on about 10mins before use, It settles down & seems ok. but I'll definetly upgrade the memory,danzil. but I'll get a computer chap 2 do it.
  9. did that, maynardvdm, but still no better. But have turned off anti- sphish { is that right?} told u I was a divi! but it seems 2 have made a difference.
  10. hi maynardvdm, I'm going 2 do that right now! thankyou.
  11. hi kenb, did that & after entering winver & ok, window came up- about windows, which statedphysical memory available 228,848 kb. then I right clicked my computer as u said & in properties it says 2.60GHZ 224 mb of ram.
  12. thanks cahekac, I may have 2 give It a try.
  13. hi wolfiemole, hope I've got this right as I'm a total dunce with computers. It says 260GHz 224hb of ram.
  14. hi wolfiemole, done what u requested & it showed 336 MB
  15. my computer is running very slow from startup & onwards. I've scanned everything & it seems ok. I'm on Windows XP. Now a message has appeared saying the virtual memory is low. Will this b the problem & will fitting a new memory card b the answer? Help, Please.:confused:
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