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About JB23

  • Birthday 10/09/1980

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  • System: windows_xp_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Good afternoon everyone, just an update for you. After reading another few threads on the site I thought I'd try using CCleaner and see if this had any effect, after using it and restarting my PC it seemed to work fine and I have used it a little over the weekend, it was great at first Saturday AM, back to its old speed etc, but by Sunday PM It was starting to play up a little (again slow to load up sites but quick to return back to my homepage) I still have the 2 internet status symbols in the right (not left as I stated earlier- sorry Tootech) one saying "local area connection status" speed 100Mbps and a clock ticking over with the connection time and one saying "internet connection status" (or something along those lines) again with a speed (usually 3.9Mbps) and another clock running (not in sync with the other status though) Any ideas would be great? Thanks
  2. Morning all, I have now uninstalled Bullguard, and last night when I got home I reset the router and made sure all the settings where correct (I have them from past phone calls to my ISP) I tried to load up my home page and it popped up quite quickly, I could search quite quickly, for example- I searched you tube and it displyed the results as normal, I could even search in you tube and click on a video, it would bring up the page and play maybe the first 5 seconds but that would be it. I tired a few different sites and it was the same problem. I could access the PC help site but clicking on the link for the forum would only display the top banners? When I clicked back to my homepage it was loaded up very quickly as usual??? I could also ping sites no problem? I now only have the one connection logo in the bottom right next to the clock (local area connection status) I also check my router and my PC is the only device connected to it. Anyone any ideas? It seems like the connection is there but something is stopping it or slowing it down? Thanks in advance
  3. Thanks Goku
  4. Thanks I always resets to the web though, was hoping there was a way to set it up for just UK serching.
  5. Hi all, does anyone know how to set Firefox up so you only get UK search results like in IE? I've had a good look around (I might just be missing the obvious) and can't seem to see anything? Thanks in advance :)
  6. Hi all, I will check my router settings tonight, its not something I really know about but can log on to the router and will have agood look around! After having another chat will my friend I think it could be someone logging on through a wireless connection- I get 2 separate status icons in the bottom left of my screen (the 2 blue screen ones) when I click on either it says they are both connected but the actual time of connection is never the same... one could say 02:34 and one could say 04:56 for example. He has had a similar problem in the past. I will shut down wireless later and let you know the outcome! Thanks again for your help with this very frustrating problem!
  7. Morning all, I have uninstalled Bullguard and still have the same problem. I have a wired connection into my Dell desktop- I can ping sites and the connection status tell me the strength and connection time but it will not load up any web pages. My friend has suggested that it could be someone with a wireless connection that lives close to me that could be conflicting with my router? Would this make sense with the fact that sometimes I can get on no problem and others I can't? Thanks for your help
  8. I'll try that later when I get home and let you know the results, thanks.
  9. When you say disable Bullguard do you mean turn off the firewall? I have already done this and still the problem is there. Thanks
  10. Yes its on both and the work unit works fine at the office and did the moring that I swopped the filter. Thanks
  11. Hi beeceebee, Thanks for your quick reply. yes I have spoke to Bulldog(Pipex) twice in the last 2 weeks and evrything is set up correctly with no problems on the line. Its baffling because 1 day it will work fine then the next it won't load up anything (altough the status says its connected) No files have been swapped between the 2 PC's I'm afraid. When I took the work unit home and tried that then it still had the same problem. I called the shop where I bought the router from oringinally and they suggested trying a new filter, I did this and hey presto my internet was back on line.... for about 4 hours then started to have the same problems?
  12. Hello all, this is my first post on the site and I'm hoping someone can help me with a problem that I'm struggling with. My home PC is running XP home edition 2002, Bullguard security and a Netgear Dg834V3 router, about 3 weeks ago my intenet connection started to play up. One day it will work other days it won't!?! For example last Tuesday afternoon I switched on and everything was fine, internet was quick as normal, then Tuesday evening I could not get online, although my connection status said I was connected? I can ping sites no problem but actually loading up a web page will not work? Sometimes it will load half of the google home page and other times nothing? I have IE7 and Firefox and its the same problem with both. I took a computer home from work and still had the same problem which lead me to believe it was the router so contacted Netgear support and after about 3 hours on the phone they agreed to replace the router as it was still under warrenty- I thought this would be the end of my problems but on Monday I set up my new router and internet connection was fine for a short while then back to square one! Any help would be great.
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