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About Platte_making_me_ill

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_vista_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Can I do post # 48 again? i.e. remove McAfee then install (again) one antivirus program and two anti malwares programs. How to update them? Not sure which step you mean i might have skipped? "All of the security products have valuable information contained on them including help in getting started and using them. You should be sure to read them and learn what they do." Sorry where is this information? Do I need to click somewhere to read? Thank you for the encouragement. I would not be able to reach this without your help. How to scan the disks of my documents/photo before I put them back?
  2. Got to go (Doctor appointment). Will come back to finish the installation of SUPER Anti Spyware. Do I need to run this every day to activate the protecteion?
  3. At Add /Remove programs cannot find any Norton or Symantic programs. Click the Norton Removal Tool, I do not know which product to choose and click to run. So I did not delete any Norton or Symantic programs. I am going to install the antivirus program. Thanks for everythings.
  4. Am I safe to install Microsoft Works 8.5? Is my computer protected now? And am I safe to go to other websites such as yahoo.com or learndirect.co.uk?
  5. There are more Important updates, so I clicked install. In Security Center : Firewall On, Automatic Update On, Malware Protect On, Other Security settings OK. "You have Windows set to : Automatically install new updates every day at 3:00 (recommended)" is set in the window. It does not seem to have option to change it. Can I leave it to 3am? So it shall update when i switch the computer on, right?
  6. No need to apologise. I still get into this message format insteat of the one without quoting.(?) There is a button a the bottom for more updates. So I clicked it. I checked "Veiw update history" and " View availabe updates" but can't find Service Pack 1. (?)
  7. When I click quick reply, this window comes up. I did not choose this. I did manage to "reborn" (restall?) my computer and do the Window Updates (Wow, nearly an hour.) I did not install any disks come with the computer yet. I only install AOL (which took long time, too).
  8. Windows Critical Updates ? Control Panel, Window Updates, Install Updates, Apply. Then "The updates were successfully installed . More Upsates are available." Then the Norton Security Scan comes up. Can I just click the X box to leave it?
  9. Thank you again for all the "troubles". School run , so I need to log off.
  10. The documentations I have are -Dell Computers and Monitors Product Informationg Guide -Dell Monitors Product Information Guide -contact phone numbers to Dell That's all. I tried Start , and tpye in Owner Manual but no results. ???
  11. Sorry, where is this manual?
  12. Yes I have six disks in my hands.
  13. I was trying to type the details of my computer in the first message but don't know where is the whole message gone. Anyway, I manage to save all documents and photos in disk (I think). I shall buy the USB portable harddrive after I solve this out. Thanks for the advise.
  14. My Dell Inspiron 530 E4500 Core 2 Duo Processor 2.2 GHz, 800MHz FSB,2MB cache, which bought at 01/02/08, comes with -Dell Drivers and Utilities For Reinstalling Dell Inspiron 530/530s -Operating System Window Vista Home Premium 32BIT -Microsoft Works 8.5 -Drivers and User Documentaion Dell SE198WFP LCD Flat Panel Monitor -Roxio Creator & MyDVD 9.0DE -Dell Tiscali On the invoice : -English Adobe Reader 8.1 (No Recovery CD) -English McAfee 9.0 Security Centre 30 days trial Version (No Recovery CD) I am using AOL 9.0VR which took me a lot of troubles to connect and running. I cannot remember which disks I used to install AOL. I have “AOL Broadband AOL version 9.0VR, AOL for Macintosh” and “Easy-install CD Insert now to install AOL Broadband”. Also, using Speedtouch High-speed wirless router (never have a chance to try wireless because it’s slow and keeps disconnecting even wired). My 18-months contract will end in 3 months and I am going to change.
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