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About jamgoo

  • Birthday 11/11/1985

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. yes its a seperate problem, sorry about that
  2. Hi all [Again] Got an old Pent 4, E-Machines Pc, it was given to me by a friend as there younger son broke it, Basically it will not boot up past the windows logo start-up screen, after a fews seconds of it getting to that stage it just restarts, no blue screen of death, nothing just restarts. Now i have some old xp cd's and have tried numerous times to get the machine to boot up from the cd's. or let me do re-install but the pc just will not let me, ive had a look at the back of the hard-drive and dvd-drive and there are theres plastic pin covers? Is it soemthing to do with these, and if so where do they go? cheers............jamie p.s if you need anymore info just say
  3. Hello everyone, right ive done a bit of research and had a look around [and there was something a website?] But basically ive got a really old and tired [poor things been used alot] Acer 3500 laptop and a couple of months ago it just stopped charging up [if i plug the power pack in the laptop and wiggle the connection pin some of the front and side LED's light up but for a split second, is there anything i can do to try and ressurect my baby? [ And i would take it for repair but im not exactly the singing, dancing money man] Cheers
  4. Well, thought i'd say hi to everyone and be polite, [i dont want to get on the bad side of some bio-mechanical-robotical-androdial-electrical-systems expert! lol Well i hope i can find the help i need [only have 2 small problems [one laptop related and one pc related] Jamie
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