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Everything posted by devlin

  1. Hi again We have just recently installed sky player but I have this annoying stop start buffering every few seconds ,sky told us to try a few things but frankly I did'nt think it would help and it has'nt, things like deleteing history etc every thing they said to try I did, but it's no better however it can be ok with other downloaded items like utube most of the time So what is causing this buffering fault and can it be resolved my speed is 5.4 mbs which is as good as it gets where Iam Devlin
  2. Hi everybody hope you all had a good time over the festive My toshiba lapyop is ok but I cannot kick the onboard wireless thingy into life every thing is cushty in the device manager with no q marks or triangles despite my best efforts I cannot resolve this even with the excellent help on here so I have decided to go for a wireless plug in However I am a complete ejit when it comes to this stuff do I go for a card or dongle and how can I get wireless speakers into the mix I have promised her indoors I would sort this out after new year, its a satelite pro sp6000 with a little pair of swively doors is that where one would shove in a card hope you can help again Dev
  3. 10 years back i bought a pc and it came with a whole load of games most were pretty naff, but one in particular appealed to me immensly called recoil 'a technology game with a anti technology theme' was how it was once described does any one know if it ever had a sequeal like recoil 2 perhaps or if you know the game can you reccomend a similar game, I prefer the 1st person aspect type games any suggestions welcome Dev
  4. Hi All Thanks to Plastic nev and dirty polo between both of you and following the suggestions it now works just great, thanks again guys. After Christmas holidays I am intending a revamp of the entire pc as its getting a bit 'old' now as is most things around here, me included. Dev
  5. Hi I have been on the site you mention and downloaded the wireless LAN driver for stelite pro sp6100 1.6 14'' on xp it downloads ok and I can unzip it into I think 6 different icons, files or whatever but I can do nothing with them and there is no mention of them in device manager although the other drivers I downloaded are in the list. the lappy works fine with a cable into the wirless modem and the wireless switch is on.One other thing that I have just thought of is how can I tell if the machine is wireless capable or ready I am just taking it for granted cos the place I bought it from said it was but that was a while ago before broadband was widely available even let alone wireless. Dev ps maybe the best thing is to buy a dongle thingy
  6. Hi again just to say ta again all is fine except the image displayed is a little off to the left the screen is tht maybe the ribbon connector to the screen is out of place, The wife is happy to leave it and so am I a job for next time anyway thatks again I am of to post another problem Dev
  7. Hi All Well here I go again Bought a new sound card creative labs sound blaster 5.1 live . installed it fired up the pc put the driver disc in the drive and it shut down my pc, and it went into a cycle of,, start up, disk check, start up, shut down, etc. I started it in safe mode tried to delete the driver but it was having none of it error 0x80040201 event was unable to evoke any of the subscribers, went into sys restore and solved it from a restore point. any ideas on how to fix this, I have tried to obtain a driver from creative support but as the card came with no product litrature I think Iam stuffed any suggestions Dev
  8. Hi Again The laptop has wireless capability in built but never used either prior to xp reinstall or after we always had cable connection after I reinstalled windows following a complete format of the hard drive all of toshibas stuff was lost I have downloaded from the tosh site some stuff and it's fine but the wireless lan driver will not auto install and I cannot make sense of what I have downloaded [ATTACH]141.vB5-legacyid=269[/ATTACH] I don't know if I have attached the download or not as this is not like any othe attachment I nave done in the past Dev lan-20081121104349.zip
  9. Hi and thanks As soon as my wife gets of the lappy I will check it out Dev
  10. Hi Again all I hope someone can help me with this I have just recently reinstalled xp on a laptop satelite pro, its working fine except that I would like to enable it's wireless facility, I have dowloaded the LAN, wireless modem,, bluetooth stack, utility's drivers from Toshiba's web site, some download then install automatically some just download and there is my problem when I open the file(s) I have no idea which icon does what. I have tried opening them but I am clueless as what to do with them, I have tried using the evaluation version of winzip also and as far as I am concerned thats about as clear as drinking chocolate. Thanks Dev
  11. Hi Well done tooltech had another look at the inverter and although both sides were connected the right hand side one had been pulled just enough to dis connect it working great now cheers Dev
  12. Thanks guys I just thought I was maybe duplicating an equivelant or existing set up still no harm no foul best leave as is Dev
  13. Hi again all finnaly put my satelite pro 6100 back together with a new fan, everything seemed fine but nothing on the screen I plugged in my monitor from the desktop pc and it is ok, rechecked all the plugs stripped the screen to see if I had pulled the ribbon out reconnected everything but still no display. is there a way to check the voltage converter without sticking my fingers in the business end, any idea what to do next guys would be great Dev
  14. Hi all Can you tell me what the hell is java, I have it but do I need it, can I get rid of it. is it a microsoft or a windows thing I have no idea where it came from so I suspect it must be some sort of automatic update thing Thanks in advance Dev
  15. Hi Many thanks for the help I will be in touch soon no doubt Dev
  16. Hi Many thanks for the help I will be in touch soon no doubt Dev
  17. Hi all I have decided that a new sound card is a must, I thought I may as well get a set of speakers, nothing fancy just a pair of cheap ones, however I see that some speakers come with a usb plug will I need to get a card with a usb socket or do you use a free usb port on the pc or is it a case of getting speakers with normal jacks to suit the card. and where is a good mail order company that does not charge silly ammounts for postage Devlin
  18. Hi all I have decided that a new sound card is a must, I thought I may as well get a set of speakers, nothing fancy just a pair of cheap ones, however I see that some speakers come with a usb plug will I need to get a card with a usb socket or do you use a free usb port on the pc or is it a case of getting speakers with normal jacks to suit the card. and where is a good mail order company that does not charge silly ammounts for postage Devlin
  19. installing drivers Hi again As a final attempt before I buy a add in sound card I downloaded the drivers from MSI I also tried them from VIA but I get the same result, nothing. I sometimes get a repeated clicking from the headphones Am I installing them right when I unzip the folder I click on the set up icon sometimes it opens up sometimes it dosn't when it does it goes through the various stages of install. according the system information the device is working correctly but plainly that is not so. headphones are ok also when I check on the "test speakers" facility it locks up and I have close it down I hope you guts can throw some light on this as I am curious to know what went wrong Dev
  20. Hello and thanks again, I think I will go down the road of a sound card. whats your veiws on the following I have a radeon 9250 vg card my pc has 512 mb memory, on the card details there is mention of 128 mb.. and this is where i get confused if a game requires say 128 mb does that mean the card must have that ammount or is that pc memory. hope I have explained it well enough Dev
  21. Hi and thanks for the response I think maybe it's time to upgrade the whole pc, the on board sound gave trouble from the start and I thought as a short term solution I could use a sound card and think about a rebuild later Dev
  22. Hi All Can I delete the sound drivers on my pc and use a card as I keep having to re-install drivers ac97 Dev
  23. Hi all been busy at work and not been around for a few days any way Iam about to give up on this laptop as I cannot seem to get any where with it right now I suspect the fan, 3 wires red black brown 3volt I need to prove the fan one way or other any ides which wires are the supply and what would the third do, if the fan proves to be dud then I will replace it if not then I need to check for supply voltage on start up, should I remove the cpu for this as the voltage check could take some time given the size of the terminals and with a combination of three to check. any help or suggestions welcome Devlin
  24. Hi Yes guys thats the one I thought although green any ideas of a supplier Ta Dev
  25. Hi Any idea what the mobo battery looks like there is a small round green encapsulated li- on battery with a 2 wire plug could this be it Dev
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