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Everything posted by nellyc

  1. Thanks for all your help guys, i think i will invest in a new laptop. can I keep the hard drive? will i be able to set it up on my desktop tower or is that not possible?
  2. Hi all my laptop has just started to smell around where the mains plug - in and the light on the mains adaptor goes out when i plug it in to the laptop so the laptop now wont charge or run off the mains ! I thought it may be the battery but its holding what charge it has normally and it is not leaking & would this cause it stop running off the mains? Any Ideas ???? Thanks Nellyc
  3. Hello all Hope you can help, My pc turns off anytime i play music, photos, games or video a two tone alarm also sounds in the tower, when i restart the pc its fine. please help thanks Nellyc
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