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About Steadicam

  • Birthday 10/01/1965

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_vista_home

Steadicam's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I'm back in business . . . Thank's Buddha it was only a Windows problem. I found on Gumtree a very nice Guy who was helping me and now my Laptop works like new :) but any way . . . Thanks' very, very much indeed for your help . . . I wish Everybody a very merry Christmas and a happy new year ;) Good luck for Everything . . . Cheers Steadicam Operator Ingo
  2. I'm back in business . . . Thank's Buddha it was only a Windows problem. I found on Gumtree a very nice Guy who was helping me and now my Laptop works like new :) but any way . . . Thanks' very, very much indeed for your help . . . I wish Everybody a very merry Christmas and a happy new year ;) Good luck for Everything . . . Cheers Steadicam Operator Ingo
  3. Yeah may be you right. Do you may be know some one who can fix it soon and quickly for me. Doesn't matter what it cost ?
  4. Yeah may be you right. Do you may be know some one who can fix it soon and quickly for me. Doesn't matter what it cost ?
  5. What's wrong with pc world??? If you may be know someone close to Feltham/London who can help me soon and quickly it would be very nice !!!
  6. What's wrong with pc world??? If you may be know someone close to Feltham/London who can help me soon and quickly it would be very nice !!!
  7. Really sorry but how? I can't even start my laptop. My friend bring me only this cd. Vista boot disc but any way it doesn't work. I never had befor a problem like this and I'm really not an of expert. Ask me for any help in the film business and I can how you but pc's ???
  8. Really sorry but how? I can't even start my laptop. My friend bring me only this cd. Vista boot disc but any way it doesn't work. I never had befor a problem like this and I'm really not an of expert. Ask me for any help in the film business and I can how you but pc's ???
  9. I went today to a repair shop and they told me it needs till after new year. I will go tomorrow to of world and ask for help. I really apresiate your help but I'm too stupid to do it by myself.
  10. I went today to a repair shop and they told me it needs till after new year. I will go tomorrow to of world and ask for help. I really apresiate your help but I'm too stupid to do it by myself.
  11. Sorry I don't understand? I don't have a recovery cd or done something like this. Sorry I really don't understand.
  12. Sorry I don't understand? I don't have a recovery cd or done something like this. Sorry I really don't understand.
  13. It's a repair program which we download to repair windows. I try now what you wrote me but nothing it's the same sh...
  14. It's a repair program which we download to repair windows. I try now what you wrote me but nothing it's the same sh...
  15. We tried to fix it with a rebot cd but it still doesn't work
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