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About MrH1948

  • Birthday 10/01/1948

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi jelly bean I am stumped. all I can get is" windows failed to start" etc and am invited to insert reboot disc with only vista as a choice,, the disc I have is only an update from xp provided when I bought the pc and there is no responce, it all goes in circles !! I insert disc,press enter as instucted and get " windows failed to start" again !!
  2. Thanks for info, Yes think your right part of my problem is I only have xp back up discs and vista upgrade disc so I may try an older xp disc I have with code that came with an older desk top I will post the outcome. Thanks
  3. I have an acer 5102 4 years old, on xp but bought with vista upgrade I did not use. I recently restored without cd,s as per the book I checked in BIOS that disc to disc was enabled then using ALT and F10 I got into the recovery process with success. pc was now as I bought it. But silly me I thought it would be a good time to do the vista upgrade, but although it upgraded ok it seemed not to do everything . eg I tried to open media player and the whole thing froze so I had to turn it offand it wont restart I now want to go back to xp, I have the 2 recovery cd,s I made if needed but now when I do the ALT.F10 bit all I get is... windows boot manager... windows failed to start, (this is all I get trying a normal start up now) a recent hard or software change may be the cause. I am invited to insert recovery disc and select version but only suggestion is vista I insert disc but just get same boot manager mssg again. I really want to go back to xp with either recovery discs or as before using "hidden" portion on hard drive. Can anyone help please. thanks
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