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Manu The Slender

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Everything posted by Manu The Slender

  1. You're welcome.
  2. You'll not find a more friendly place for us tech geeks to hang. Welcome all new members.
  3. Everything is pretty good. Got a promotion at work and wife is expecting our third. Life is good.
  4. A popular online publication dedicated to technology, focusing on hardware reviews, guides, and industry news since its founding in 1996 by Thomas Pabst. Unbiased reviews and articles reviewing all the latest tech. View full link
  5. I'm back. I was a member years ago unde the name Manny. Good to see the site back online.
  6. Nice to find a site that I used to frequent is online once again. My old username was Manny. Maybe if you merge them if it's possible. My name is Manual and I'm from Canada. Good to meet all of you and hope to help when I can.
  7. It's old tech being replaced by new. Happens all the time.
  8. Never was as good as it was advertised to be. Not surprised it's gong away.
  9. I rarely use a VPN. Really no need to. If you want to be hidden then you must doing something illegal.
  10. Make sure to check the airflow and clear the dust and debris that collects at the intakes. Also stop any resource intense application or programs. Change the power plan. make sure it's on balanced. Update the drivers if you haven't in a long time. If thst don't help post back.
  11. I've had 2 failed upgrades and about 20 that went well. When they fail you'll not know it until you log in after upgrading. When you do you'll see only the desktop background and nothing else. No way to fix this either. It is caused by a program that isn't compatible. I would say go for it unless you are using some old programs that you used to on older c=versions of Windows like Windows 7.
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