Hi All
Firtsly I am just trying to work out if this is a hard drive problem with the possibility of it being something else.
My other half was having problems with his pc locking/freezing up and showing the "Dr Watson" error when trying to open anything on the control panel etc.
After reading up about it I came to the conclusion that it would be easier to do a clean install of XP Home rather than all the messing about trying one thing and another.
It had a clean install about 3 months ago which I did and had no problems whatsoever, yet this time, everything seemed fine, xp loaded and booted up no problem and I then put PCGuard on, the anti-virus etc, a game that I have on my pc and that the other half has had on his (we have both used it for around 2 years and no probs) AOL, all was fine except the display, the windows too big, I tried to alter this but it was being an ass, so I was leaving that till later.
So after all that I needed to reboot which was when my problems started, the first screen came on where u can enter setup etc, then the windows screen came on, the little progress thing under the windows logo was going along as usual, but after this instead of the windows going on to the next bit, the screen just goes black and it stays that way! http://www.buildyourown.org.uk/forums/forumimages/icon_smile_angry.gif
I thought maybe there was a problem with the hard drive, so I have put a different hard drive in off a working system and still it would not boot up, I also tried another hard drive in it that is redundant at present and still no progress,,,, it seems that no matter what hard drive is in it wont boot but on top of that, his hard drive wont boot up in the other system either
I have considered using some parts from my old system to replace the duff ones in his but I am guessing it will be unlikely that will work.
His system is a Dell and mine is an old EMachine but with an asrock mobo in it, which incidentally turns itslef on as soon as the PSU is plugged in and it wont shutdown, I have to turn the power off http://www.buildyourown.org.uk/forums/forumimages/icon_smile_sad.gif
Any help or advice please?
Thanks in advance