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Everything posted by trevorsmith

  1. If you have the experience go ahead and build if not buy! If you feel comfortable enuff to do it yourself then go ahead but if not i'd say buy! As long as you choose the right company with brilliant aftersales you cant go wrong, especially when choosing warranties be careful. Remember if you build yourself and something happens to be faulty it can be a long winded process, and who's to blame!! you or the brand? Trevor
  2. Yea but I7 are still quad core and i want one.... heard great reviews and its futureproof! Technology will prob swing that way soon anyway! And i want to take full advantage of the 12gb triple channel memory and the motherbaords support both SLI and Crossfire!
  3. I just want an I7 system tho, its more future proof! Ive heard they were good for overclcoking tho mate:)! You not thought about gettin an I7 system?
  4. When i introduced myself a week ago i said i wanted an I7 system as ive been saving my cash! Ive set my mind on the new I7 systems as i here there great for overclocking! From what ive been told by a few friends and also read in forums the 920 I7 CPU is great value for money and better for overclocking than the more expensive 940! Ive been looking at a few companies who deal with custom PC building, such companies include CPS, PCspecialist and Custom built pcs - Gaming Computers - Cheap Laptops - Laptop Computers - Cheap Computers - PC - Custom Built PC, comparing prices ThePCOgroup where the cheapest and i liked there site! Whats your opinions of them? as ive heard of CyberP but there prices are quite expensive! :) I have over £1000 to spend so i know i can get a class system just wanna ensure its the right choice!!! Please help as im ready to buy! many thanks trev
  5. I'm going to have a look at the custom build companies and see what everyones opinions are... i'll get back to you all!!! Im looking forward to my new PC loads cant wait! :)
  6. Im Trevor.... 30 years old and a bit ov a novice with PC's all help will be appreciated when im a member!!! I work for the Royal Mail and ive been saving my pennies for a nice new i7 system!!! Cant wait.
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