Hi, i'm looking for someone to help me with the formula below. I can't see where i am going wrong. The formula is meant to:
Return the Number of working weeks between two dates (Start and End dates of contracts).
It also allows the user to enter a manual override in an adjacent cell (for use if they don't have firm dates but do have a contract length)
If the difference between the Start & End date is less than zero return the message "Check Dates"
All of the above works correctly, i have a problem with the final piece of logic:
If the user has entered an incorrect date (e.g. 30/02/09) that generates a #value error, to again return the message "Check Dates".
=IF(D9>0,D9,IF(H7="","",IF(C7="","",IF((H7-C7)/7<=0,"Check Dates",IFERROR(ROUNDUP((H7-C7)/7,0),"Check Dates")))))
D9 = Manual Override Cell to enter a number of weeks
H7 = End Date
C7 = Start Date
Using this formula still returns a "#value" error when an unrecognised date is entered in either C7 (start date) or H7 (end date).
As you can probably tell i am self-taught in Excel and I know it is long winded but hopefully there is some logic problem enthusiast out there who can help?
Thanks in advance for any help