I have what appears to be the identical problem reported recently by P4UL
In summary, a computer I built about 5 years ago (which has been fine until now) developed a fault about a month ago whereby when it is switched on, the fans start and the power & HD LEDs come on, and stay on, and nothing further happens.
The basics of the computer are: Intel P4 2.66GHz 478 socket/MSI motherboard/1GB (2x512MB) PC2100 RAM/Windows XP Home. On board audio & graphics are used, with no PCI boards attached.
My first instinct was a faulty motherboard, which I replaced with an ASRock P4i65G. Whilst replacing the board, I stripped the computer to give it a clean before re-assembly. It worked OK immediately, but this only lasted for about 2 weeks, when the fault returned.
I then thought it must the power supply, which had been jingled into temporary action whilst I was cleaning it. I replaced it with a Compucase Green Earth 350W (to help save the planet), but the fault is still there.
I have since tried everything I can think of: starting it after disconnecting all drives, front panel USB & audio, trying both RAM strips in DDR1 in turn (leaving DDR2 empty), testing the front panel switches & LEDs , rechecking all connections etc, but no joy.
The only thing I hadn’t done that was suggested in the P4UL threads was to remove & replace the motherboard battery with the power off. I did this, and now the fans come on as soon as the computer is plugged in, neither LED works, and the power switch does nothing at all!
Before I throw the beastly thing (and myself) into the canal, can anyone suggest anything I’ve missed? Could a faulty CPU be causing it?