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  1. No dice - time is accurate. But when I tried to synchronise it to internet time it failed - telling me there was an error. I am thinking this si some sort of updating problem as it appears to be affecting all sorts of updates...
  2. I wonder if any of you clever people can help me? My son is running XP on his netbook. He has numerous problems getting and keeping it online, which I have today mostly resolved (fingers crossed...) I have been to the windows online protection center and performed an online virus scan, and cleaned up the disk etc. I have removed all other security programs (not sure what has been on it before but I have removed via add/remove progs some Norton stuff). I have tried to install MSE, which goes on without problems, but when I try to update the definitions I get the following error message... Error code: 0x80072efe Error description: Microsoft Security Essentials couldn't install the definition updates. Please try again later. I have tried several times during the day, and have uninstalled rebooted and reinstalled twice. With no luck... I have googled this error and have been unable to find the solution online.... Please can anybody help? TIA Nicki
  3. Hi I'm Nicki I'm not a techie, or even a hobbyist, but I am the one who has to sort out my kids laptops when they mess around with them (physically and virtually!) I'm here for advice and you'll find me in the window update section. Hoping some of you more technically minded people can help me and teach me! In return I can tell you about childbirth, since midwifery is my trade! Thanks
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