I wonder if any of you clever people can help me?
My son is running XP on his netbook. He has numerous problems getting and keeping it online, which I have today mostly resolved (fingers crossed...)
I have been to the windows online protection center and performed an online virus scan, and cleaned up the disk etc. I have removed all other security programs (not sure what has been on it before but I have removed via add/remove progs some Norton stuff).
I have tried to install MSE, which goes on without problems, but when I try to update the definitions I get the following error message...
Error code: 0x80072efe
Error description: Microsoft Security Essentials couldn't install the definition updates. Please try again later.
I have tried several times during the day, and have uninstalled rebooted and reinstalled twice. With no luck...
I have googled this error and have been unable to find the solution online....
Please can anybody help?