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  1. WHAT ?? Theres a computer every few hundred metres on planet earth. No internet cafe nearby, or friends who have pc's at work? Unbelievable !!
  2. take your mouse to another pc. there are hundreds around !!! ask a friend to test it, then we can see whether its the mouse or your pc. - thats your next step... No need to look too deeply into this problem, or spend too long on it mate - buy another mouse - its quicker and easier - you can get one on ebay for under £5. let me know...
  3. ahhhhhhh that old chestnut ! backup any data you need first. WINME *should* format your disk and install itself for you. BOOT from your WINME cd and choose to format the disk / overwrite C:. Good luck trixy
  4. I agree with santa, but backup your hard disk first with norton ghost or similar. DONT REGRET SOMETHING YOU COULD HAVE AVOIDED!! Good Luck trixy
  5. run services.msc enable the plug and play devices service then reboot and try again...
  6. sounds like its not tracking properly on the screen. Try these: 1) try the mouse on a dark coloured surface like a book, avoid white or clear surfaces. 2) try another USB/SERIAL port 3) Remove any drivers from any previous mice on the pc. 4) get latest drivers from the manufacturer 5) try the mouse on another pc. If the problem follows the mouse, replace the mouse. If the problem aint there on the 2nd pc, theres still a driver from an old mouse on the first pc, or theres an incompatibility issue with another driver. let me know. rgds. trixy http://www.trixysvinyl.com
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