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  1. Oh thank you, I didnt know anyone relplied! (I'm new at this:-) But unfortunately I have updated to the hilt. First thing I did days ago. Updated Windows, Updated media player to 11. Had a Win update last night when I closed down. Was hoping I'd be pleasantly surprised this morning and find it fixed. Nope. I'll check Win updates one more time as you suggest, but don't hold out any hope. Meanwhile if you think of anything else. Please. Also, do I need to keep that huge Net framework on my pc? What would make it suddenly start stuttering like this? THANK YOU.
  2. First, hello and happy New Year Everyone. Hope you can help. Out of the blue the audio on my system is stuttering terribly. Been searching for a solution for hours. Tried Media player, awful. Tried Realplayer, awful. Microsoft said I needed (Mats_Run.AudioPlayback) to fix it (guess it recognised the problem (?) I downloaded that but when I went to install it said I needed .Net Framework first (dotNetFx40_Full_setup) After a couple hoursDLing that and installing it I went back to Fix it and it just repeated that I needed to install Net Framework first. I installed version 4. It is not seeing it. I'm at a dead end. I don't know what else to do to get the audio to work. Obviously I'm not that computer savvy when it comes to these things so any ideas I'd be very grateful. Why would it do this all of a sudden? Could it have occured in the last Windows update that installed? I miss my music. http://extremetechsupport.com/public/style_emoticons//sad.gif Thank you.
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