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Everything posted by beano_90

  1. Hi peeps newbie with a question:confused: I have recently brought a LCD Tv with built in Pc connectivity via "VGA" The tv Make & Model is a ("LG 19LG3000") just incase that helps... I have been told by a friend (who as far as i no doesn't actually know a lot about pc and other stuff) That if you use a Tv such as the one i have as a pc screen reguallary it will effect then life span of the tv and cause the screen to fail prematurely.... I have brought this tv and my plan was to use it as my main computer screen and also my tv screen when i not on computer which isnt very often but now i am worried about damaging it and don't want to have wasted my money on it.... does anyone no if what i have been told is true in anyway??? sorry if this is a stupid question and has already been asked like i said i a newb... cheers Tom this is the tv LG 19LG3000 Qualtiy Black 19" LCD TV 16:9 with built in Freeview | EmpireDirect.co.uk Electrical Appliances
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