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Everything posted by chriswood206

  1. im at work, hes looking over my shoulder, i meen hes crap with pc's. cant use them very well. he had norton 360 which i installed about 6months ago, i then installed yahoo spybot from the toolbar on our browser, then bought avg pro and installed that after uninstalling norton.
  2. yeah he knows, hes fine with it. i sort all the stuff to do with computers as hes pretty useless. plus it was him that got the virus (from dodgy wesite-as stated) not my email, as mine was from a friend thorugh hotmail inbox (not junk mail) computer is made by e machines- model number is e4o28 desktop pc. think we have all discs, hes trying to find them, think there at his house, but any guidelines how to fix will be greatly appreciated. windows xp home ed.
  3. Hey all, right ill start from the beggining... last week i check an email on my boss's pc and it then freaked out, windows disapeered and all icons and desktop disapeared, 30secs later it reapeared with two new icons about some dodgy gay dating thing? (at this point i was briking it only to find out the day after my boss had opened a email a week before from a mate with a link to a very shadey site (porn) and it happended straight after he cliked the link.) everytime i tryed to send them to the recycle bin they reapeared on the desktop again. did a google search and it said what virus it was etc. tryed to run norton 360 to get rid and it wouldnt load up?? tryed to download some free stuff form the internet and when i got to download screen it said connection error. eventually i managed to download yahoo spyware checker, found viruses and deleted them. tryed to run norton again to run a full system check, still wouldnt load. then wenever i opened a web browser it opens another 2-3pages, advertising poker,loans etc etc, but if you click on them the pc freezes again and all windows close. after doing abit more googling i found out norton is pants so tryed to uninstall it, it wouldnt let me it just kept saying prog not responding once i got to the finish button, eventually after leaving it at that screen for an hour it sorted it and uninstalled, i then installed avg pro09 on recomendation and ran a full system scan, it came back with 45 virus's, 44 were removed but one couldnt be, it said to completly remove it to reboot the pc. turned it off and rebooted, it loaded to the sign in user screen... input password, it goes to the screen with your background pic and loading bar in the bottom left, it imediately changes from 'loading' to 'saving settings'. and returns to the sign on screen, i cannot get into windows past that point, restarted pc, went into safe mode, exactly the same happens, cant get past sign in screen, tryed it from every type of safe mode and i still cant get in. any help would be great, sorry for the amateur lingo. lol.
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