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About JenkPC

  • Birthday 1/11/1985

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I just want to boost gaming performance without forking out for a new graphics card or quad core processor. I currently have a dual core pentium with 2.2ghz and 2gb ram and 512mb ati x1950xt. I currently play games fine but there is flight sim x, which runs really slow and is ram reliant. I was thinking about just throwing in the extra ram to improve things without buying any new expensive components. I may take your advice and just upgrade to 4GB. in that case, I know XP has a 4gb memory limit including other memory devices. So that would mean that I would be having about 4.512gb of ram (+ my graphics card). Would that cause any performance issues in when booting into 32bit XP instead of 64bit Vista? Would it simply not use it or would it actually slow it down?:confused:
  2. Triple Booting Could I then use GParted or something and shift all my media to the new drive, and then have all the operating systems on this drive? Would that work?
  3. FORGOT TO TELL YOU SORRY ! I FORGOT TO STATE ONE THING WOOLFEYMOLE! Ooops! Forgot to mention I am installing Vista 64 bit on another hardrive and will boot into that to take advantage of the extra RAM. I know what your saying about adding more ram in XP, it won't use it. Will it simply not use it or will it reduce performance? EDIT: OKAY, SO YOU KNOW FROM MY LAST POST THAT I CAN'T DUAL BOOT FROM A SEPERATE HARDRIVE ANYWAY! THIS IS GOING WELL I JUST WANT TO KNOW THEN, SAY I HAD VISTA 64BIT ANYWAY, CAN I DO THE ABOVE?
  4. Hi, I'm adding more RAM to my PC and to take advantage I want to install VISTA 64BIT on a new 3.5" SATA drive. I plan to leave XP on this hardrive, which is divided into 3 partions. One contains XP and a few system programs, one all my media and games and the other Ubuntu Linux. I want to install Vista on a brand new hardrive I will install. Two questions... 1) I want to dual boot between XP,Vista and Ubuntu on the seperate hardrive. Is this okay? Do I have to change anything in BIOS? Will it provide me with a boot screen automatically detecting both OS's? I have Ubuntu on this box as well and have a GRUB menu, but im not sure if a SEPERATE hardrive would react the same as a PARITIONED. :confused: 2)AND when I am running Vista if I access the other hardrive and access the partition that contains all my games and media I installed with XP can I run my games on that drive in Vista ? Is there anything I need to do to the registry or do I just find the EXE, click it and it will run as long as it is compatible? Thanks for reading:o
  5. Hi, I currently have a pretty normal PC with one hardrive partioned to run win xp on 1 partition and keep all my games and media on the other. I want to add more ram, from 2GB dual channel to adding another 4GB to make it 6GB in total. Am I right to assume that I can just slot in 2x2GB sticks into two same coloured slots in my motherboard to run dual channel, sitting next to the other two slots that house 2x1gb sticks. I understand that if the colours match and the sticks match I can get dual channel - but does it matter that there is a pair of 2gb sticks and a pair of 1gb sticks on the motherboard? Also, its not important but because I'm cheap im buying cheap ram from America online (same spec as the ones I can buy hear in the shops in the UK for twice the price). If the specs are the same as brand name ram and im not overclocking does it actually matter? :confused: EDIT: FORGOT TO MENTION I WILL HAVE VISTA 64BIT ON ANOTHER NEW DRIVE SO I CAN ACTUALLY USE THE RAM!!!
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