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About Lotti

  • Birthday 06/13/1936

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  • System: windows_xp

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I had the phone line checked straight away bee cee bee,,,there was a fault....sorted now !!! I will crack on regardless with Orange,don't really wish to change as I have been with these since day one.....I am now awaiting Orange's next move,will let you all know,and many thanks for all your help,your'e a great bunch:)
  2. I use ADSL Modem for getting connected,when I get disconnected I immediately go my Orange logo on my desk top and dial up again,I usually get connected straight away:o
  3. I have always been with Orange..from day one actually...1999 when it was Freeserve !!!! over the years I have had hiccoughs like anyone else,but today I have had no problems .....very odd indeed:confused:
  4. I am using IE and I spasmodically lose connection,when I do I can't access Outlook Express,Web pages and my webmail.......I must say the problem is somewhat getting less every day !!!:eek:
  5. I have had a new computer built for me by my Son who has now gone back to the States !!!! I am now getting clicked off the net,cannot got messages from Outlook express,webmail and webpages..... I receive a message as follows.....The error message I am getting when trying to retreive emails and web pages....... The host 'pop.orangehome.co.uk could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account 'pop.orangehome.co.uk' Server 'pop.orangehome.co.uk.' Protocol 'Pop3 Port 110 Secure ( SSL) no Socket Error 11004 Error number O x 800CCCOD Any ideas folks,I have tried all sorts if you would be so kind:(
  6. Hi all I have just joined mainly for help if you would be so kind,however all hope you can help:confused:
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